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raze: update to raze-1.7.1

Module Name:	pkgsrc-wip
Committed By:	Yorick Hardy <>
Pushed By:	yhardy
Date:		Thu Apr 27 14:38:11 2023 +0200
Changeset:	d029c3df810e701d9aab71eca88191b1722d09dc

Modified Files:
Added Files:

Log Message:
raze: update to raze-1.7.1

Raze 1.7.1

  * language update, now featuring Italian and Turkish
  * fixed a few bad scaling values.
  * Duke: do not call DukeActor's OnInitialize function for projectiles.
  * Blood: display the charge meter for the dynamite also on the alternative
  * Exhumed: don't pass uninitialized data to the sound engine.
  * Duke: set clipdist default also for external bad guys.
  * Duke: fixed pitch calculation for explosion sounds.
  * Blood: fixed bad damage scaling in ConcussSprite
  * Duke: apply default scale only to enemies defined in CON. This code does
    not apply to the Recon!
  * added back WT's fireball's postHitEffect. This somehow got lost during
  * Duke: fixed scale default for non-ememies.
  * Blood: Fix missing input bit in GameInteface::reapplyInputBits().
  * Duke: Ensure hard landing check is done after pitch keys.

Raze 1.7.0

  * new language support: Spanish, French, Danish and Norwegian.
  * Duke: fixed weapon spread with non-pistol hitscan weapons.
  * Duke: Add a myriad of pitch recentering CVARs.
  * Duke: fixed potential logic deadlocks with the green slimer.
  * fixed lookup table generation for foggy fades.
  * Duke: Add CVAR to allow disabling pitch reset with pitch input.
  * Duke: Consolidate vehicle code between boat/moto.
  * use GAMENAMELOWERCASE for defining GAME_DIR.
  * Duke: Remove everyothertime global, we can just use PlayClock.
  * fixed STAT_ACTORS must handle actors where scale.X is 0 as 'deleted' and
    destroy them.
  * Duke: Make vehicle input functions work on floats and not doubles and
  * removed the ValidateTarget call from HackSeqCallback to silence warning
  * Duke: Ensure spawned player actor has view height baked in up until the
    first getzrange() call.
  * Null the roll angle used for weapon drawing when looking left/right and
    with Blood's delirium for now.
  * Blood: Fix state checks when using TNT while diving underwater.
  * Exhumed: Ensure Player::items[] is signed.
  * Blood: Fix palette of actor sprite on 2D automap.
  * Blood: Fix shotgun ammo display when player fires a shell, switches
    weapons, then switches back.
  * Repair voxel 2D vector adjustment.
  * Blood: Repair velocity scaling in ConcussSprite().
  * Exhumed: major internal cleanup
  * added a font option to have lower case for Latin only.
  * Re-calculate the sector for each eye if it has a shift factor applied.
  * completed all fonts for all European languages.
  * Fix crash in Shadow Warrior when player dies
  * Blood: fixed application of push velocity.
  * Exhumed: avoid shade hacks with palette emulation on.
  * Blood: make sure that tracking condition data is always properly
  * partially Revert "- pass shade values to sky renderer" Duke never did
  * Blood: reverted GetSpriteExtents to integer math.
  * SW: make player sounds always follow the source.
  * allow setting Duke's relevant sound properties through SNDINFO.
  * Duke: fixed incorrect sector in a few sprites of World Tour E5L1.
  * added adaptive layout for RR's summary screen as well. To better handle
    the spacing for accented characters the text scale was slightly reduced.
  * make layout of Duke's summary screen adapt to text and screen size.
  * RR: stop the bowling pins' tumbling animation when they come to a rest.
  * Duke: added a fully scriptable switch system
  * Change string Ninja Slice Animation to Alternative Ninja Slice to better
    reflect what it does.
  * Fixed a Mac debug build crash where CallAnimate attempted to pass one too
    many parameters to the VM.
  * Blood: add all statically stored EventObjects to the GC processor.
  * moved GetReservedScreenSpace function into the scripted status bar where
    it belongs.
  * split several texture flags off into a surface type value. Using the same
    field in the TexExtInfo struct as Blood's surfType. This frees up a lot
    of flags for later use.
  * adapted the breakable stuff interface in Duke to Texture IDs.
  * preparations and annotations for places in SW where textures are stored
    in tags.
  * tile system refactor. BuildTiles has been replaced with something that
    better integrates with the underlying texture manager
  * added mapSpawned member to DDukeActor
  * Exhumed: The ObjectList was not properly garbage collected.
  * fixed kill counting in Blood.
  * SW: For single player games, call PlayerDeathReset() from TerminateLevel
    () and not DoPlayerDeathCheckKeys().
  * SW: Don't call DoSpawnTeleporterEffect() upon death. This causes an air
    bubble to spawn above the player for a single tic, even while on land
    until the level truly restarts. Since we're restarting, its better to
    just not do this.
  * SW: Don't reset player pitch upon death.
  * Duke: Always use tsprite pos/angle when used in conjunction with viewvec
    or viewang.
  * rewrote drawtile CVAR handling to render the image larger and allow using
  * SW: do a proper implementation for sprites which do not want texture
  * gave all textures that were accessed with their "#0xxxx" name a
    descriptive names.
  * disabled the automatic localization feature in the texture manager.
  * rewrote the tile pixel cache to work on texture IDs instead of tile IDs.
    This allows using the related checking features with other textures as
  * SW: fixed camera validation
  * got rid of gotpic. Now everything uses the 'seen' flag in the texture
    which indicates that the texture was actually used for hardware rendering
    since the last check.
  * removed canvas hack stuff from Buildtiles after cleaning up the mess in
  * initialize all special tiles to their intended type before starting the
  * do the handling of 90° rotated wall textures in the renderer instead of
    duplicating the texture.
  * Duke: implemented customizable breakable walls and ported all hard coded
    variants to use this.
  * Duke: implemented breakable walls with external definitions.
  * Duke: removed the limit of 64 on-state switches from the init code.
  * Duke: split the sprite animation code for CON-based actors into a
    separate function.
  * Duke: moved the shadow creation code out of animatesprites into a common
  * Duke: cleaned up the main thinker loops, using a flag to denote actors
    that are not on STAT_ACTOR but need to run CON code.
  * Duke: gave proper names to ST_160 and ST_161.
  * define Duke's skies by name.
  * Duke: added generic destructibles
  * backported sound volume fix from NBlood.
  * Duke: use a flag for outer space textures.
  * Duke: exported the tile flag setters to RMAPINFO.
  * Change DCoreActor::oang to a DRotator named PrevAngles.
  * Change spritetypebase::angle to a DRotator named Angles.
  * Duke: gave all switch animation phases proper texture names.
  * did a bit of optimization on FGameTexture. Since all material layers
    except the brightmaps are relatively rare encounters these were taken out
    of the main texture object and offloaded to a substructure that is only
    allocated on demand.
  * use a sepate file system filter for 'duke-like' games, i.e. Duke, NAM and
    WW2GI combined.
  * replace the homegrown hash chain in the sound engine with a TMap.
  * sound system refactor to be based on names instead of indices.
  * Duke/RR: Properly fix movement() so the player's Z always makes it back
    to floorz.
  * Make stat coord show full floating point values.
  * Blood: Fix gi->WarpToCoords() that messed up the Z.
  * SW: Take full advantage of our floating point work for the wall blood
  * more Duke/RR scriptifications
  * always set the sound listener position to something valid. Otherwise
    OpenAL throws lots of warning messages.
  * Use the interpolated sine table for tangent instead of Cephis math in

Raze 1.6.2

  * FString fixes.
  * call FullGc twice, because once does not seem to be sufficient anymore
    when the object system is shut down
  * respect i_pauseinbackground setting
  * SW: cleaned up SlopeBounce and fixed some bad math.
  * Exhumed: account for rounding errors in MoveSectorSprites
  * ignore executable files in a zip's main folder when checking for mod
    content in a subdirectory.
  * Duke: Fix bad setup for stopping Duke's scream when putting the jetpack
  * Duke: Additional fixes for alterang().
  * Blood: Fix bad spawned actor angle for actFireMissile().
  * Blood: Ensure actor's XY pos is updated before calling Z slope utils.
  * SW: do not double interpolate sectors that are both part of a sector
    object but also have a global interpolation attached.
  * Default initialise g_nextskill to -1 so maps loaded directly from the
    command line load with the game's default skill.
  * fixed autoload setup for the full Duke World Tour version.
  * Fixed custom height and width not saving.
  * Ensure the viewport's aspect ratio is factored into the HUD's aspect
  * Blood: Fix some nullptr issues in checkHit() and checkFloorHit().
  * SW: Fix tank track velocity.
  * SW: Fix tank tracks not working.
  * SW: Fix issue with RC tank in $seabase.
  * SW: Add inertia correction to PlayerWarpUpdatePos().
  * Add support for Blood: Cryptic Passage via CRYPTIC.SSI file.
  * SW: Repair whoopsie in BunnyCheat().
  * Duke: Ensure that the expander hitscans when autoaim is "hitscan only".
  * SW: Restore two original cheat codes lost long ago.
  * SW: Remove CVAR_SERVERINFO flag from sw_ninjahack and take them out of
    the global space.
  * SW: Only bring the weapon back up after doing chops if not on a vehicle
    with a weapon.
  * SW: Fix clipmove call within DoPlayerMoveVehicle().
  * SW: Fix two bad calls to pushmove() where a fixed point adjustment was
  * fix math error on ARM architectures
  * Blood: add all statically stored EventObjects to the GC processor.
  * fixed: when deactivating the app, pausing the sound system should not
    depend on the game's internal pause state.
  * fixed ESC pressing on Duke's monitors.
  * Blood: relax range check in AlignSlopes. This now checks the full range
    of the wall array and if outside just does nothing. E2M6 has a bogus
    value for this feature that asserted with the old check.
  * Blood: fixed blood splats being spawned in the wrong place.
  * Blood: fixed 3 places where 3D distance was used but 2D should have been

Raze 1.6.1

This is a bugfix release addressing the following issues:

  * Blood: add all statically stored EventObjects to the GC processor.
  * fixed: when deactivating the app, pausing the sound system should not
    depend on the game's internal pause state.
  * fixed ESC pressing on Duke's monitors.
  * Blood: relax range check in AlignSlopes. This now checks the full range
    of the wall array and if outside just does nothing. E2M6 has a bogus
    value for this feature that asserted with the old check.
  * Blood: fixed blood splats being spawned in the wrong place.
  * Blood: fixed 3 places where 3D distance was used but 2D should have been.
  * Fix pitch direction for controller input.
  * added a - sign to FindBestSector' default return. This somehow get lost
    when the code was moved out of clipmove into a separate utility function.
  * fixed velocity handling in a few enemy swimChase functions. The one for
    the gill beast was particularly bad.
  * Exhumed: allow Anubis to get out of the walking state if he loses his
  * fix initialization issues with a few serializer functions.
  * fixed bad direction setup for vertically moving SE 0. This also adds
    missing interpolation for this case.
  * Duke/RR: fixed floor alignment of flames in sloped sectors
  * Duke: fixed flames not being floor aligned. The same code was correct in
    the RR variant, so it just got copied over.
  * Exhumed: The ObjectList was not properly garbage collected.
  * fixed kill counting in Blood.

Raze 1.6.0

  * Attempt to fix #647. I'm guessing the nWalls < -1 is a typo, and it
    should have been nWalls <= -1 all along. I decided to write nWalls < 0
  * Fix IWADBoxCallback() and MENUDEF setup for GLES backend.
  * Make crosshairscale slider match GZDoom, including allowing it to slide
    down to 0 for unscaled.
  * Draw crosshair at 1:1 scale when crosshairscale is 0, just like GZDoom.
  * RR: initialize the bowling lane displays after loading a savegame.
  * try to address some occasional crash with chickens on the bowling lane.
  * Duke: Increase the precision of the angle in handle_se00().
  * Duke: cleanup of weapon draw code.
  * Improved crosshair drawing that factor's in look_ang better I've had
    stashed away for a little bit.
  * Duke: Call movetransports() before processing any player movement. This
    simply works much better, transitioning from above water to underwater
    and vice-versa is interpolated, smooth and seamless.
  * complete transfer of vk_hdr fix from gzdoom (was missing the shader
  * Duke: added an ammo check to the chaingun firing loop. With weapon
    switching disabled it would not stop firing.
  * don't print negative ammo numbers on the Duke HUD.
  * renamed several of RR's sprites, mostly related to the chicken processing
  * unlimized two map resources - cyclers and ambient tags.
  * scriptified the remaining controller sprites.
  * scriptified activators and locators.
  * scriptified the respawn controller.
  * only print texture resolve errors in debug builds.
  * scriptified the sound controller.
  * scriptified canwithsomething, the last internal STAT_STANDABLE item.
  * Duke: fixed long standing problem that pressing Escape or walking
    backwards does not switch off the camera view.
  * scriptified viewscreen and camera.
  * scriptified touchplate
  * scriptified doorshock
  * scriptified the waterdrip
  * scriptified the bolts.
  * scriptified the trash actor.
  * converted the masterswitch.
  * scriptified OozFilter + Seenine
  * scriptified the fire extinguisher.
  * scriptied the cracks.
  * scriptified the trip bombs.
  * refactored Duke's cactus.
  * scriptified the scraps. The were a Duke-ish mess of epic proportions.
  * flammable actors scriptified.
  * scriptified Dukes water fountain. That's this thingy in the first
    corridor of E2L1.
  * Duke: scriptified the crane
  * Blood: updated nnexts with the parts not related to the condition
  * added 'foreach' loop to ZScript.
  * use a TArrayView to store the wall references in a sector.
  * adding some intrinsics to ZScript.
  * Vector 4 in zscript
  * garbage collector fixes
  * fixed: when deactivating the app, pausing the sound system should not
    depend on the game's internal pause state.
  * Duke: Use player's pitch sine rather than tangent when throwing a
    pipebomb while crouched. This maintains the feel of the weapon by having
    the pipebomb roll along the ground.
  * handle a visual glitch in Duke's E2L1 via compatibility. There is already
    code to deal with this automatically, but this does not manage to fully
    eliminate the problem.
  * Add option to (experimentally) unclamp the view pitch for the Duke family
    of games.
  * Duke/RR/SW: Pitch-adjusted velocity for all player weapons
  * added true level compatibility map processing and deleted all related map
    hack code.
  * removed the MHK for Route66's This was actually a render bug
    that was fixed long ago, so the edit is no longer needed.
  * added a MHK for RR E1L1 to fix a render glitch in the barn.
  * added a quick hack to move a misplaced vertex in RR E1L1's barn.
  * renamed getzsofslopeptr to calcSlope and removed one redundant inline.
  * Duke: use player palette only on the foot weapon.
  * Duke: New setup for blood splatters against walls, taking full account of
    the float precision.
  * renamed RR’s weapon sprites to match their weapons
  * added a GZDoom-style alternative HUD.
  * pushmove rewritten.
  * silenced lots of warnings for deliberate type conversions.
  * rewrote getzrange. Not using any old Build code anymore. Aside from the
    trivial stuff this uses code from Doom and SW instead.
  * Duke: Move Duke-exclusive code from PlayerHorizon struct into
    displayweapon_d() and clamp tangent to handle high pitches.
  * allow entering cheats in the chat editor without using '#'.
  * hitscan fully rewritten.
  * added LinePlaneIntersect
  * rewrite from scratch of neartag.
  * replaced try_facespr_intersect with something independently written.
  * Clean up the availability detection of kdialog and gxmessage in POSIX
  * got new CVar system from GZDoom.
  * Fix broken paths in default configuraiton on Unix
  * SW: fixed savegame pic generation corrupting the actor list. This case
    missed the call to PostDraw which is responsible for cleaning up some
    temporary data.
  * SW: when an actor is killed, all attached ambient sounds must be deleted.
    Not only did the sound not stop but what happened here was very much
    undefined behavior as the ambient sound retained its pointer to now
    undefined memory.
  * Exhumed: gave local variables in FindWallSprites meaningful names
  * normalize the timer with the app start, not the epoch.
  * un-deprecated the integer MSTime variant. Due to undefined downconversion
    rules from double to int, there is no way to safely downcast the return
    from MSTimef, meaning the function is completely useless for retrieving
    integral time stamps.
  * refactored coordinate display to have a single unified printing function.
  * hack to fix bad door definition in RR E2L7.
  * several backports from NBlood
  * Exhumed: exported a handful of missed messages to the string table
  * unlimited the displayable sprites. Now with Polymost gone this can
    finally be done properly.
  * do not overwrite a textures sky cap color.
  * animation precaching cleanup. No need to handle animations on the game
    side. markTileForPrecache already handles this - now also for oscillating
  * rewrote nextsectorneighborzptr with a better parameter interface
  * replaced spriteheightofsptr with a method in DCoreActor.
  * updatesector* cleanup. Got rid of all remaining Build code in here,
    stripped down the wrapper interface and moved everything into a separate
    header file.
  * replaced sectordist with a floating point variant with better precision.
  * replaced getclosestpointonwall_internal with a floating point version
    based on NearestPointLine.
  * cleanup of 3D viewport code. Removes all the hackery that Polymost needed
    and now uses a sane struct to store the info.
  * made fov change for RRRA's drug mode work.
  * refined wall sprite check so that orthogonally aligned sprites are only
    aligned to orthogonal walls.
  * Duke: clear all collision flags from generic controller sprites
  * Don't adjust joystick pitch/yaw speeds based on whether autorun is
    enabled or not.

To see a diff of this commit:;a=commitdiff;h=d029c3df810e701d9aab71eca88191b1722d09dc

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

 raze/Makefile                                      | 11 +++++---
 raze/distinfo                                      | 11 +++++---
 .../patches/patch-libraries_ZVulkan_CMakeLists.txt | 15 ++++++++++
 .../patch-source_common_console_c__console.h       | 13 +++++++++
 ...-source_common_platform_posix_sdl_i__system.cpp | 33 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 .../patch-source_games_blood_src_nnexts.cpp        | 19 +++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 94 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/raze/Makefile b/raze/Makefile
index 77e5ae1b0c..41406bef5b 100644
--- a/raze/Makefile
+++ b/raze/Makefile
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 # $NetBSD$
-DISTNAME=	1.5.0
-GITHUB_TAG=	1.5.0
+GITHUB_TAG=	1.7.1
@@ -13,10 +13,12 @@ HOMEPAGE=
 COMMENT=	Fork of the Build engine backed by GZDoom tech
 #LICENSE=	build AND gnu-gpl-v2
-WRKSRC=		${WRKDIR}/Raze-1.5.0
+USE_TOOLS+=	pkg-config
-CXXFLAGS+=	-D PKGSRC_RAZE_PATH='"${PREFIX}/share/games/raze"'
+CMAKE_ARGS+=	-DINSTALL_PK3_PATH=share/games/raze
 .include "../../archivers/bzip2/"
 .include "../../audio/fluidsynth/"
@@ -24,6 +26,7 @@ CXXFLAGS+=	-D PKGSRC_RAZE_PATH='"${PREFIX}/share/games/raze"'
 .include "../../devel/libexecinfo/"
 .include "../../devel/zlib/"
 .include "../../graphics/MesaLib/"
+.include "../../mk/"
 .include "../../mk/"
 .include "../../multimedia/libvpx/"
 # .include "../../parallel/openmp/"
diff --git a/raze/distinfo b/raze/distinfo
index e65511731f..5826fb837f 100644
--- a/raze/distinfo
+++ b/raze/distinfo
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
-BLAKE2s (Raze/1.5.0.tar.gz) = 4fb17a904893cb5a0e68614d6024f13f3a40f837943741b2ea22dece272b4dfc
-SHA512 (Raze/1.5.0.tar.gz) = 6686e0d0a8e73b676eaa3df45d8be6c0100e7732b916d572caeff5b1a3b6caef1a4e733ea98ce63cc23f3fca079e94eab8a08f563eb1f48c2ec3615bfbdc5719
-Size (Raze/1.5.0.tar.gz) = 15553911 bytes
-SHA1 (patch-source_core_gameconfigfile.cpp) = d147437dd1729dccb1a92a5d446bb08784352778
+BLAKE2s (Raze/1.7.1.tar.gz) = da763806144771cdc20c55e253613de3e66f195b30d9f99bfda8ca3478832e89
+SHA512 (Raze/1.7.1.tar.gz) = 379148c2aee9ca37ddba70b75233e6db05f46c1fc99624c65adada399858dbd3141b1f5240cec2cf86e731eaa44d283136af791d4eefc9421c9fb244be084b4d
+Size (Raze/1.7.1.tar.gz) = 18722339 bytes
+SHA1 (patch-libraries_ZVulkan_CMakeLists.txt) = 7600c20a8a421686bceeb3ad0623ac1a7c329bb3
+SHA1 (patch-source_common_console_c__console.h) = 08232b557703523e36228592d211fe8ad423b14c
+SHA1 (patch-source_common_platform_posix_sdl_i__system.cpp) = aa7e0edaa0166b2760910ad2f14461e5cd940a69
+SHA1 (patch-source_games_blood_src_nnexts.cpp) = d8c393d104c933944313cbf36ff5bb5d3d24f666
diff --git a/raze/patches/patch-libraries_ZVulkan_CMakeLists.txt b/raze/patches/patch-libraries_ZVulkan_CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..603d3d8d94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/raze/patches/patch-libraries_ZVulkan_CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+CMAKE_DL_LIBS should include -ldl.
+--- libraries/ZVulkan/CMakeLists.txt.orig	2023-04-02 07:15:09.000000000 +0000
++++ libraries/ZVulkan/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ if(WIN32)
+ 	add_definitions(-DUNICODE -D_UNICODE)
+ else()
+ 	add_definitions(-DUNIX -D_UNIX)
+ 	add_link_options(-pthread)
+ endif()
diff --git a/raze/patches/patch-source_common_console_c__console.h b/raze/patches/patch-source_common_console_c__console.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c5595fbcfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/raze/patches/patch-source_common_console_c__console.h
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+--- source/common/console/c_console.h.orig	2023-01-07 18:45:29.000000000 +0000
++++ source/common/console/c_console.h
+@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ void AddToConsole (int printlevel, const
+ int PrintString (int printlevel, const char *string);
+ int PrintStringHigh (const char *string);
+ int VPrintf (int printlevel, const char *format, va_list parms) GCCFORMAT(2);
++int Printf (int printlevel, const char *format, ...);
++int Printf (const char *format, ...);
+ void C_DrawConsole ();
+ void C_ToggleConsole (void);
diff --git a/raze/patches/patch-source_common_platform_posix_sdl_i__system.cpp b/raze/patches/patch-source_common_platform_posix_sdl_i__system.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b78ffa233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/raze/patches/patch-source_common_platform_posix_sdl_i__system.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+--- source/common/platform/posix/sdl/i_system.cpp.orig	2023-01-07 18:45:29.000000000 +0000
++++ source/common/platform/posix/sdl/i_system.cpp
+@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
+ #include "i_sound.h"
+ #include "i_interface.h"
+ #include "v_font.h"
++#include "c_console.h"
+ #include "c_cvars.h"
+ #include "palutil.h"
+ #include "st_start.h"
+@@ -408,7 +409,8 @@ FString I_GetFromClipboard (bool use_pri
+ FString I_GetCWD()
+ {
+-	char* curdir = get_current_dir_name();
++	char* curdir;
++	curdir = getcwd(NULL, 0);
+ 	if (!curdir) 
+ 	{
+ 		return "";
+@@ -447,8 +449,9 @@ unsigned int I_MakeRNGSeed()
+ void I_OpenShellFolder(const char* infolder)
+ {
+-	char* curdir = get_current_dir_name();
++	char* curdir;
++	curdir = getcwd(NULL, 0);
+ 	if (!chdir(infolder))
+ 	{
+ 		Printf("Opening folder: %s\n", infolder);
diff --git a/raze/patches/patch-source_games_blood_src_nnexts.cpp b/raze/patches/patch-source_games_blood_src_nnexts.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a1fe5ebc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/raze/patches/patch-source_games_blood_src_nnexts.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+--- source/games/blood/src/nnexts.cpp.orig	2023-01-07 18:45:29.000000000 +0000
++++ source/games/blood/src/nnexts.cpp
+@@ -4203,12 +4203,12 @@ bool condCheckSector(DBloodActor* aCond,
+ 			case kSectorSlide:
+ 				if (cond == 55)// 60)
+ 				{
+-					h = max(abs(pXSect->onFloorZ - pXSect->offFloorZ), 1 / 256.);
++					h = std::max(pXSect->onFloorZ - pXSect->offFloorZ, 1 / 256.);
+ 					curH = abs(pSect->floorz - pXSect->offFloorZ);
+ 				}
+ 				else
+ 				{
+-					h = max(abs(pXSect->onCeilZ - pXSect->offCeilZ), 1 / 256.);
++					h = std::max(pXSect->onCeilZ - pXSect->offCeilZ, 1 / 256.);
+ 					curH = abs(pSect->ceilingz - pXSect->offCeilZ);
+ 				}
+ 				return condCmp(int((kPercFull * curH) / h), arg1, arg2, cmpOp);

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