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.1.1 (2016-01-08) ------------------

Module Name:	pkgsrc-wip
Committed By:	K.I.A.Derouiche <>
Pushed By:	jihbed
Date:		Sat Jan 30 16:15:13 2016 +0000
Changeset:	12bb7fd380eeaf66ca0f3f3bd27f71f09774481d

Modified Files:

Log Message:
.1.1 (2016-01-08)

New Features

- ````

  - Allow ``pathlib.Path`` objects (available in Python 3.4 and later) for
    specifying the file name in registry read / write functions. [#4405]

- ``astropy.utils``

  - ``console.human_file_size`` now accepts quantities with byte-equivalent
    units [#4373]

Bug Fixes

- ``astropy.analytic_functions``

  - Fixed the blackbody functions' handling of overflows on some platforms
    (Windows with MSVC, older Linux versions) with a buggy ``expm1`` function.

- ````

  - Fixed an bug where updates to string columns in FITS tables were not saved
    on Python 3. [#4452]

Other Changes and Additions

- Updated bundled astropy-helpers to v1.1.1. [#4413]

1.1 (2015-12-11)

New Features

- ``astropy.config``

  - Added new tools ``set_temp_config`` and ``set_temp_cache`` which can be
    used either as function decorators or context managers to temporarily use
    alternative directories in which to read/write the Astropy config files and
    download caches respectively.  This is especially useful for testing,
    though ``set_temp_cache`` may also be used as a way to provide an
    alternative (application specific) download cache for large data files,
    rather than relying on the default cache location in users' home
    directories. [#3975]

- ``astropy.constants``

  - Added the Thomson scattering cross-section. [#3839]

- ``astropy.convolution``

  - Added Moffat2DKernel. [#3965]

- ``astropy.coordinates``

  - Added ``get_constellation`` function and ``SkyCoord.get_constellation``
    convenience method to determine the constellation that a coordinate is in.

  - Added ``PrecessedGeocentric`` frame, which is based on GCRS, but precessed
    to a specific requested mean equinox. [#3758]

  - Added ``Supergalactic`` frame to support de Vaucouleurs supergalactic
    coordinates. [#3892]

  - ``SphericalRepresentation`` now has a ``._unit_representation`` class
    attribute to specify an equivalent UnitSphericalRepresentation. This allows
    subclasses of representations to pair up correctly. [#3757]

  - Added functionality to support getting the locations of observatories by
    name. See ``astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation.of_site``. [#4042]

  - Added ecliptic coordinates, including ``GeocentricTrueEcliptic``,
    ``BarycentricTrueEcliptic``, and ``HeliocentricTrueEcliptic``. [#3749]

- ``astropy.cosmology``

  - Add Planck 2015 cosmology [#3476]

  - Distance calculations now > 20-40x faster for the supplied
    cosmologies due to implementing Cython scalar versions of

- ````

  - Automatically use ``guess=False`` when reading if the file ``format`` is
    provided and the format parameters are uniquely specified.  This update
    also removes duplicate format guesses to improve performance. [#3418]

  - Calls to for fixed-width tables may now omit one of the
    keyword arguments ``col_starts`` or ``col_ends``. Columns will be assumed
    to begin and end immediately adjacent to each other. [#3657]

  - Add a function ``get_read_trace()`` that returns a traceback of the
    attempted read formats for the last call to ````.

  - Supports LZMA decompression via ``get_readable_fileobj`` [#3667]

  - Allow ``-`` character is Sextractor format column names. [#4168]

  - Improve DAOphot reader to read multi-aperture files [#3535, #4207]

- ````

  - Support reading and writing from bzip2 compressed files. i.e. ``.fits.bz2``
    files. [#3789]

- ````

  - Support saving all meta information, description and units of tables and columns
    in HDF5 files [#4103]

- ````

  - A new method was added to ````,
    ``get_info_by_id`` to conveniently find an ``INFO`` element by its ``ID``
    attribute. [#3633]

  - Instances in the votable tree now have better ``__repr__`` methods. [#3639]

- ````

  - Added log levels (e.g., DEBUG, INFO, CRITICAL) to ``astropy.log`` [#3947]

- ``astropy.modeling``

  - Added a new ``Parameter.validator`` interface for setting a validation
    method on individual model parameters.  See the ``Parameter`` documentation
    for more details. [#3910]

  - The projection classes that are named based on the 3-letter FITS WCS
    projections (e.g. ``Pix2Sky_TAN``) now have aliases using longer, more
    descriptive names (e.g. ``Pix2Sky_Gnomonic``).  [#3583]

  - All of the standard FITS WCS projection types have been implemented in
    ``astropy.modeling.projections`` (by wrapping WCSLIB). [#3906]

  - Added ``Sersic1D`` and ``Sersic2D`` model classes. [#3889]

  - Added the Voigt profile to existing models. [#3901]

  - Added ``bounding_box`` property and ``render_model`` function [#3909]

- ``astropy.nddata``

  - Added ``block_reduce`` and ``block_replicate`` functions. [#3453]

  - ``extract_array`` now offers different options to deal with array
    boundaries [#3727]

  - Added a new ``Cutout2D`` class to create postage stamp image cutouts with
    optional WCS propagation. [#3823]

- ``astropy.stats``

  - Added ``sigma_lower`` and ``sigma_upper`` keywords to ``sigma_clip`` to
    allow for unsymmetric clipping. [#3595]

  - Added ``cenfunc``, ``stdfunc``, and ``axis`` keywords to
    ``sigma_clipped_stats``. [#3792]

  - ``sigma_clip`` automatically masks invalid input values (NaNs, Infs) before
    performing the clipping [#4051]

  - Added the ``histogram`` routine, which is similar to ``np.histogram`` but
    includes several additional options for automatic determination of optimal
    histogram bins. Associated helper routines include ``bayesian_blocks``,
    ``friedman_bin_width``, ``scott_bin_width``, and ``knuth_bin_width``.
    This functionality was ported from the astroML_ library. [#3756]

  - Added the ``bayesian_blocks`` routine, which implements a dynamic algorithm
    for locating change-points in various time series. [#3756]

  - A new function ``poisson_conf_interval()`` was added to allow easy
    calculation of several standard formulae for the error bars on the mean of
    a Poisson variable estimated from a single sample.

- ``astropy.table``

  - ``add_column()`` and ``add_columns()`` now have ``rename_duplicate`` option
    to rename new column(s) rather than raise exception when its name already
    exists. [#3592]

  - Added ``Table.to_pandas`` and ``Table.from_pandas`` for converting to/from
    pandas dataframes. [#3504]

  - Initializing a ``Table`` with ``Column`` objects no longer requires
    that the column ``name`` attribute be defined. [#3781]

  - Added an ``info`` property to ``Table`` objects which provides configurable
    summary information about the table and its columns. [#3731]

  - Added an ``info`` property to column classes (``Column`` or mixins).  This
    serves a dual function of providing configurable summary information about
    the column, and acting as a manager of column attributes such as name,
    format, or description. [#3731]

  - Updated table and column representation to use the ``dtype_info_name``
    function for the dtype value.  Removed the default "masked=False"
    from the table representation. [#3868, #3869]

  - Updated row representation to be consistent with the corresponding
    table representation for that row.  Added HTML representation so a
    row displays nicely in IPython notebook.

  - Added a new table indexing engine allowing for the creation of
    indices on one or more columns of a table using ``add_index``. These
    indices enable new functionality such as searching for rows by value
    using ``loc`` and ``iloc``, as well as increased performance for
    certain operations. [#3915]

  - Added capability to include a structured array or recarray in a table
    as a mixin column.  This allows for an approximation of nested tables.

  - Added ``keep_byteorder`` option to ``Table.as_array()``.  See the
    "API Changes" section below. [#4080]

  - Added a new method ``Table.replace_column()`` to replace an existing
    column with a new data column. [#4090]

  - Added a ``tableclass`` option to ``Table.pformat()`` to allow specifying a
    list of CSS classes added to the HTML table. [#4131]

  - New CSS for jsviewer table [#2917, #2982, #4174]

  - Added a new ``Table.show_in_notebook`` method that shows an interactive
    view of a Table (similar to ``Table.show_in_browser(jsviewer=True)``) in an
    Python/Jupyter notebook. [#4197]

- ``astropy.tests``

  - Added new test config options, ``config_dir`` and ``cache_dir``  (these can
    be edited in ``setup.cfg`` or as extra command-line options to py.test) for
    setting the locations to use for the Astropy config files and download
    caches (see also the related ``set_temp_config/cache`` features added in
    ``astropy.config``). [#3975]

- ``astropy.time``

  - Add support for FITS standard time strings. [#3547]

  - Allow the ``format`` attribute to be updated in place to change the
    default representation of a ``Time`` object. [#3673]

  - Add support for shape manipulation (reshape, ravel, etc.). [#3224]

  - Add argmin, argmax, argsort, min, max, ptp, sort methods. [#3581]

  - Add ``Time.to_datetime`` method for converting ``Time`` objects to
    timezone-aware datetimes. [#4119]

- ``astropy.units``

  - Added furlong to imperial units. [#3529]

  - Added mil to imperial units. [#3716]

  - Added stone to imperial units. [#4192]

  - Added Earth Mass (``M_earth``) and Jupiter mass (``M_jup``) to units [#3907]

  - Added support for functional units, in particular the logarithmic ones
    ``Magnitude``, ``Decibel``, and ``Dex``. [#1894]

  - Quantities now work with the unit support in matplotlib.  See
    :ref:`plotting-quantities`. [#3981]

- ``astropy.utils``

  - Added new ``OrderedDescriptor`` and ``OrderedDescriptorContainer`` utility
    classes that make it easier to implement classes with declarative APIs,
    wherein class-level attributes have an inherit "ordering" to them that is
    specified by the order in which those attributes are defined in the class
    declaration (by defining them using special descriptors that have
    ``OrderedDescriptor`` as a base class).  See the API documentation for
    these classes for more details. Coordinate frames and models now use this
    interface. [#3679]

  - The ``get_pkg_data_*`` functions now take an optional ``package`` argument
    which allows specifying any package to read package data filenames or
    content out of, as opposed to only being able to use data from the package
    that the function is called from. [#4079]

  - Added function ``dtype_info_name`` to the ``data_info`` module to provide
    the name of a ``dtype`` for human-readable informational purposes. [#3868]

  - Added ``classproperty`` decorator--this is to ``property`` as
    ``classmethod`` is to normal instance methods. [#3982]
  - ```` now handles network URLs, as well as local paths. [#3850]

  - The ``astropy.utils.wraps`` decorator now takes an optional
    ``exclude_args`` argument not shared by the standard library ``wraps``
    decorator (as it is unique to the Astropy version's ability of copying
    the wrapped function's argument signature).  ``exclude_args`` allows
    certain arguments on the wrapped function to be excluded from the signature
    of the wrapper function.  This is particularly useful when wrapping an
    instance method as a function (to exclude the ``self`` argument). [#4017]

  - ``get_readable_fileobj`` can automatically decompress LZMA ('.xz')
    files using the ``lzma`` module of Python 3.3+ or, when available, the
    ``backports.lzma`` package on earlier versions. [#3667]

  - The ``resolve_name`` utility now accepts any number of additional
    positional arguments that are automatically dotted together with the
    first ``name`` argument. [#4083]

  - Added ``is_url_in_cache`` for resolving paths to cached files via URLS and
    checking if files exist. [#4095]

  - Added a ``step`` argument to the ```` method to give users
    control over the update frequency of the progress bar. [#4191]

- ``astropy.visualization``

  - Added a function / context manager ``quantity_support`` for enabling
    seamless ploting of ``Quantity`` instances in matplotlib. [#3981]

  - Added the ``hist`` function, which is similar to ``plt.hist`` but includes
    several additional options for automatic determination of optimal histogram
    bins. This functionality was ported from the astroML_ library.  [#3756]

- ``astropy.wcs``

  - The included version of wcslib has been upgraded to 5.10. [#4239]

    The minimum required version of wcslib in the 4.x series remains 4.24.

    The minimum required version of wcslib in the 5.x series is
    5.8.  Building astropy against a wcslib 5.x prior to 5.8
    will raise an ``ImportError`` when ``astropy.wcs`` is imported.

    The wcslib changes relevant to astropy are:

    - The FITS headers returned by ``astropy.wcs.WCS.to_header`` and
      ``astropy.wcs.WCS.to_header_string`` now include values with
      more precision.  This will result in numerical differences in
      your results if you convert ``astropy.wcs.WCS`` objects to FITS
      headers and use the results.

    - ``astropy.wcs.WCS`` now recognises the ``TPV``, ``TPD``,
      ``TPU``, ``DSS``, ``TNX`` and ``ZPX`` polynomial distortions.

    - Added relaxation flags to allow ``PC0i_0ja``, ``PV0j_0ma``, and
      ``PS0j_0ma`` (i.e. with leading zeroes on the index).

    - Tidied up error reporting, particularly relating to translating
      status returns from lower-level functions.

    - Changed output formatting of floating point values in

  - Enhanced text representation of ``WCS`` objects. [#3604]

- The ``astropy.tests.helper`` module is now part of the public API (and has a
  documentation page).  This module was in previous releases of astropy,
  but was not considered part of the public API until now. [#3890]

.. _astroML:

- There is a new function ``astropy.online_help`` to search the
  astropy documentation and display the result in a web
  browser. [#3642]

API changes

- ``astropy.cosmology``

  - ``FLRW._tfunc`` and ``FLRW._xfunc`` are marked as deprecated.  Users
    should use the new public interfaces ``FLRW.lookback_time_integrand``
    and ``FLRW.abs_distance_integrand`` instead. [#3767]

- ````

  - The default header line processing was made to be consistent with data line
    processing in that it now ignores blank lines that may have whitespace
    characters.  Any code that explicitly specifies a ``header_start`` value
    for parsing a file with blank lines in the header containing whitespace
    will need to be updated. [#2654]

- ````

  - The ``uint`` argument to ```` is now True by default; that is,
    arrays using the FITS unsigned integer convention will be detected, and
    read as unsigned integers by default.  A new config option for
    ``io.fits``, ``enable_uint``, can be changed to False to revert to the
    original behavior of ignoring the ``uint`` convention unless it is
    explicitly requested with ``uint=True``. [#3916]

  - The ``ImageHDU.NumCode`` and ``ImageHDU.ImgCode`` attributes (and same
    for other classes derived from ``_ImageBaseHDU``) are deprecated.  Instead,
    the ```` module-level constants ``BITPIX2DTYPE`` and
    ``DTYPE2BITPIX`` can be used. [#3916]

- ``astropy.modeling``

  - Note: Comparisons of model parameters with array-like values now
    yields a Numpy boolean array as one would get with normal Numpy
    array comparison.  Previously this returned a scalar True or False,
    with True only if the comparison was true for all elements compared,
    which could lead to confusing circumstances. [#3912]

  - Using ``model.inverse = None`` to reset a model's inverse to its default is
    deprecated.  In the future this syntax will explicitly make a model not
    have an inverse (even if it has a default).  Instead, use ``del
    model.inverse`` to reset a model's inverse to its default (if it has a
    default, otherwise this just deletes any custom inverse that has been
    assigned to the model and is still equivalent to setting ``model.inverse =
    None``). [#4236]

  - Adds a ``model.has_user_inverse`` attribute which indicates whether or not
    a user has assigned a custom inverse to ``model.inverse``.  This is just
    for informational purposes, for example, for software that introspects
    model objects. [#4236]

  - Renamed the parameters of ``RotateNative2Celestial`` and
    ``RotateCelestial2Native`` from ``phi``, ``theta``, ``psi`` to
    ``lon``, ``lat`` and ``lon_pole``. [#3578]

  - Deprecated the ``Pix2Sky_AZP.check_mu`` and ``Sky2Pix_AZP.check_mu``
    methods (these were obscure "accidentally public" methods that were
    probably not used by anyone). [#3910]

  - Added a phase parameter to the Sine1D model. [#3807]

- ``astropy.stats``

  - Renamed the ``sigma_clip`` ``sig`` keyword as ``sigma``. [#3595]

  - Changed the ``sigma_clip`` ``varfunc`` keyword to ``stdfunc``. [#3595]

  - Renamed the ``sigma_clipped_stats`` ``mask_val`` keyword to
    ``mask_value``. [#3595]

  - Changed the default ``iters`` keyword value to 5 in both the
    ``sigma_clip`` and ``sigma_clipped_stats`` functions. [#4067]

- ``astropy.table``

  - ``Table.as_array()`` always returns a structured array with each column in
    the system's native byte order.  The optional ``keep_byteorder=True``
    option will keep each column's data in its original byteorder. [#4080]

  - ``Table.simple_table()`` now creates tables with int64 and float64 types
    instead of int32 and float64. [#4114]

- ``astropy.time``

  - The ``astropy_time`` attribute and time format has been removed from the
    public interface.  Existing code that instantiates a new time object using
    ``format='astropy_time'`` can simply omit the ``format``
    specification. [#3857]

- ``astropy.units``

  - Single-item ``Quantity`` instances with record ``dtype`` will now have
    their ``isscalar`` property return ``True``, consistent with behaviour for
    numpy arrays, where ``np.void`` records are considered scalar. [#3899]

  - Three changes relating to the FITS unit format [#3993]:

    - The FITS unit format will no longer parse an arbitrary number as a
      scale value.  It must be a power of 10 of the form ``10^^k``,
      ``10^k``, ``10+k``, ``10-k`` and ``10(k)``. [#3993]

    - Scales that are powers of 10 can be written out.  Previously, any
      non-1.0 scale was rejected.

    - The ``*`` character is accepted as a separator between the scale
      and the units.

  - Unit formatter classes now require the ``parse`` and ``to_string``
    methods are now required to be classmethods (and the formatter
    classes themselves are assumed to be singletons that are not
    instantiated).  As unit formatters are mostly an internal implementation
    detail this is not likely to affect any users. [#4001]

  - CGS E&M units are now defined separately from SI E&M units, and have
    distinct physical types. [#4255]

- ``astropy.utils``

  - All of the ``get_pkg_data_*`` functions take an optional ``package``
    argument as their second positional argument.  So any code that previously
    passed other arguments to these functions as positional arguments might
    break.  Use keyword argument passing instead to mitigate this. [#4079]

  - ``astropy.utils.iers`` now uses a ``QTable`` internally, which means that
    the numerical columns are stored as ``Quantity``, with full support for
    units.  Furthermore, the ``ut1_utc`` method now returns a ``Quantity``
    instead of a float or an array (as did ``pm_xy`` already). [#3223]

  -  ``astropy.utils.iers`` now throws an ``IERSRangeError``, a subclass
     of ``IndexError``, rather than a raw ``IndexError``.  This allows more
     fine-grained catching of situations where a ``Time`` is beyond the range
     of the loaded IERS tables. [#4302]

- ``astropy.wcs``

  - When compiled with wcslib 5.9 or later, the FITS headers returned
    by ``astropy.wcs.WCS.to_header`` and
    ``astropy.wcs.WCS.to_header_string`` now include values with more
    precision.  This will result in numerical differences in your
    results if you convert ``astropy.wcs.WCS`` objects to FITS headers
    and use the results.

  - If NAXIS1 or NAXIS2 is not passed with the header object to
    WCS.calc_footprint, a ValueError is raised. [#3557]

Bug fixes

- ``astropy.constants``

  - The constants ``Ry`` and ``u`` are now properly used inside the
    corresponding units.  The latter have changed slightly as a result. [#4229]

- ``astropy.coordinates``

  - Internally, ``coordinates`` now consistently uses the appropriate time
    scales for using ERFA functions. [#4302]

- ````

  - Fix a segfault in the fast C parser when one of the column headers
    is empty [#3545].

  - Fix several bugs that prevented the fast readers from being used
    when guessing the file format.  Also improved the read trace
    information to better understand format guessing. [#4115]

  - Fix an underlying problem that resulted in an uncaught TypeError
    exception when reading a CDS-format file with guessing enabled. [#4120]

- ````

  - Included a new command-line script called ``fitsinfo`` to display
    a summary of the HDUs in one or more FITS files. [#3677]

- ``astropy.modeling``

  - ``Simplex`` fitter now correctly passes additional keywords arguments to
    the scipy solver. [#3966]

  - The keyword ``acc`` (for accuracy) is now correctly accepted by
    ``Simplex``. [#3966]

- ``astropy.units``

  - The units ``Ryd`` and ``u`` are no longer hard-coded numbers, but depend
    on the appropriate values in the ``constants`` module.  As a result, these
    units now imply slightly different conversions.  [#4229]

Other Changes and Additions

- The ``./ test`` command is now implemented in the ``astropy.tests``
  module again (previously its implementation had been moved into
  astropy-helpers).  However, that made it difficult to synchronize changes
  to the Astropy test runner with changes to the ``./ test`` UI.
  astropy-helpers v1.1 and above will detect this implementation of the
  ``test`` command, when present, and use it instead of the old version that
  was included in astropy-helpers (most users will not notice any difference
  as a result of this change). [#4020]

- The repr for ``Table`` no longer displays ``masked=False`` since tables
  are not masked by default anyway. [#3869]

- The version of ``PLY`` that ships with astropy has been updated to 3.6.

- WCSAxes is now required for doc builds. [#4074]

- Updated ``astropy.tests`` test runner code to work with Coverage v4.0 when
  generating test coverage reports. [#4176]

- The migration guide from pre-v0.4 coordinates has been removed to avoid
  cluttering the ``astropy.coordinates`` documentation with increasingly
  irrelevant material.  To see the migration guide, we recommend you simply
  look to the archived documentation for previous versions, e.g.

- In ``astropy.coordinates``, the transformations between GCRS, CIRS,
  and ITRS have been adjusted to more logically reflect the order in
  which they actually apply.  This should not affect most coordinate
  transformations, but may affect code that is especially sensitive to
  machine precision effects that change when the order in which
  transformations occur is changed. [#4255]

1.0.8 (2016-01-08)

- ````

  - Fixed an bug where updates to string columns in FITS tables were not saved
    on Python 3. [#4452]

- ``astropy.units``

  - In-place peak-to-peak calculations now work on ``Quantity``. [#4442]

- ``astropy.utils``

  - Fixed ``find_api_page`` to work correctly on python 3.x [#4378]

1.0.7 (2015-12-04)

Bug Fixes

- ``astropy.coordinates``

  - Pickling of ``EarthLocation`` instances now also works on Python 2. [#4304]

- ````

  - Fixed a regression that could cause writes of large FITS files to be
    truncated. [#4307]

  - Astropy v1.0.6 included a fix (#4228) for an obscure case where the TDIM
    of a table column is smaller than the repeat count of its data format.
    This updates that fix in such a way that it works with Numpy 1.10 as well.

  - Fix fast writer so bytestring column output is not prefixed by 'b' in
    Python 3. [#4350]

- ``astropy.table``

  - Fix a bug when pickling a Table with mixin columns (e.g. Time). [#4098]

- ``astropy.time``

  - Fix incorrect ``value`` attribute for epoch formats like "unix"
    when ``scale`` is different from the class ``epoch_scale``. [#4312]

- ``astropy.utils``

  - Fixed an issue where if ipython is installed but ipykernel is not
    installed then importing astropy from the ipython console gave an
    IPython.kernel deprecation warning. [#4279]

  - Fixed crash that could occur in ``ProgressBar`` when ``astropy`` is
    imported in an IPython startup script. [#4274]

1.0.6 (2015-10-22)

Bug Fixes

- ``astropy.analytic_functions``

  - Fixed blackbody analytic functions to properly support arrays of
    temperatures. [#4251]

- ``astropy.coordinates``

  - Fixed errors in transformations for objects within a few AU of the
    Earth.  Included substansive changes to transformation machinery
    that may change distances at levels ~machine precision for other
    objects. [#4254]

- ````

  - ``fitsdiff`` and related functions now do a better job reporting differences
    between values that are different types but have the same representation
    (ex: the string '0' versus the number 0). [#4122]

  - Miscellaneous fixes for supporting Numpy 1.10. [#4228]

  - Fixed an issue where writing a column of unicode strings to a FITS table
    resulted in a quadrupling of size of the column (i.e. the format of the
    FITS column was 4 characters for every one in the original strings).

  - Added support for an obscure case (but nonetheless allowed by the FITS
    standard) where a column has some TDIMn keyword, but a repeat count in
    the TFORMn column greater than the number of elements implied by the
    TDIMn.  For example TFORMn = 100I, but TDIMn = '(5,5)'.  In this case
    the TDIMn implies 5x5 arrays in the column, but the TFORMn implies
    a 100 element 1-D array in the column.  In this case the TDIM takes
    precedence, and the remaining bytes in the column are ignored. [#4228]

- ````

  - Fixed crash with Python compiler optimization level = 2. [#4231]

- ``astropy.vo``

  - Fixed ``check_conesearch_sites`` with ``parallel=True`` on Python >= 3.3
    and on Windows (it was broken in both those cases for separate reasons).

Other Changes and Additions

- All tests now pass against Numpy v1.10.x. This implies nominal support for
  Numpy 1.10.x moving forward (but there may still be unknown issues). For
  example, there is already a known performance issue with tables containing
  large multi-dimensional columns--for example, tables that contain entire
  images in one or more of their columns.  This is a known upstream issue in
  Numpy. [#4259]

1.0.5 (2015-10-05)

Bug Fixes

- ``astropy.constants``

  - Rename units -> unit and error -> uncertainty in the ``repr`` and ``str``
    of constants to match attribute names. [#4147]

- ``astropy.coordinates``

  - Fix string representation of ``SkyCoord`` objects transformed into
    the ``AltAz`` frame [#4055]

  - Fix the ``search_around_sky`` function to allow ``storekdtree`` to be
    ``False`` as was intended. [#4082]

- ````

  - Fix bug when extending one header (without comments) with another
    (with comments). [#3967]

  - Somewhat improved resource usage for FITS data--previously a new ``mmap``
    was opened for each HDU of a FITS file accessed through an ``HDUList``.
    Each ``mmap`` used up a single file descriptor, causing problems with
    system resource limits for some users.  Now only a single ``mmap`` is
    opened, and shared for the data of all HDUs.  Note: The problem still
    persists with using the "convenience" functions.  For example using
    ``fits.getdata`` will create one ``mmap`` per HDU read this way (as
    opposed to opening the file with ```` and accessing the HDUs
    through the ``HDUList`` object). [#4097]

  - Fix bug where reading a file without a newline failed with an
    unrelated / unhelpful exception. [#4160]

- ``astropy.modeling``

  - Cleaned up ``repr`` of models that have no parameters. [#4076]

- ``astropy.nddata``

  - Initializing ``NDDataArray`` from another instance now sets ``flags`` as
    expected and no longer fails when ``uncertainty`` is set [#4129].
    Initializing an ``NDData`` subclass from a parent instance
    (eg. ``NDDataArray`` from ``NDData``) now sets the attributes other than
    ``data`` as it should [#4137].

- ``astropy.table``

  - Fix bug when doing outer join on multi-dimensional columns. [#4060]

  - Fix an issue with setting fill value when column dtype is changed. [#4088]

  - Fix bug when unpickling a bare Column where the _parent_table
    attribute was not set.  This impacted the Column representation. [#4099]

  - Fix issue with the web browser opening with an empty page, and ensure that
    the url is correctly formatted for Windows. [#4132]

  - Fix NameError in table stack exception message. [#4213]

- ``astropy.utils``

  - ``resolve_name`` no longer causes ``sys.modules`` to be cluttered with
    additional copies of modules under a package imported like
    ``resolve_name('numpy')``. [#4084]

  - ``console`` was updated to support IPython 4.x and Jupyter 1.x.
    This should suppress a ShimWarning that was appearing at
    import of astropy with IPython 4.0 or later. [#4078]

  - Temporary downloaded files created by ``get_readable_fileobj`` when passed
    a URL are now deleted immediately after the file is closed. [#4198]

- ``astropy.visualization``

  - The color for axes labels was set to white. Since white labels on white
    background are hard to read, the label color has been changed to black.
  - ``ImageNormalize`` now automatically determines ``vmin``/``vmax``
    (via the ``autoscale_None`` method) when they have not been set
    explicitly. [#4117]

- ``astropy.vo``

  - Cone Search validation no longer crashes when the provider gives an
    incomplete test query. It also ensures search radius for a test query
    is not too large to avoid timeout. [#4158, #4159]

Other Changes and Additions

- Astropy now supports Python 3.5. [#4027]

- Updated tests to support py.test 2.7, and upgraded the bundled copy of
  py.test to v2.7.3. [#4027]

1.0.4 (2015-08-11)

New Features

- ``astropy.convolution``

  - Modified Cython functions to release the GIL. This enables convolution
    to be parallelized effectively and gives large speedups when used with
    multithreaded task schedulers such as Dask. [#3949]

API Changes

- ``astropy.coordinates``

  - Some transformations for an input coordinate that's a scalar now correctly
    return a scalar.  This was always the intended behavior, but it may break
    code that has been written to work-around this bug, so it may be viewed as
    an unplanned API change [#3920]

- ``astropy.visualization``

  - The ``astropy_mpl_style`` no longer sets ``interactive`` to ``True``, but
    instead leaves it at the user preference.  This makes using the style
    compatible with building docs with Sphinx, and other non-interactive
    contexts. [#4030]

Bug Fixes

- ``astropy.coordinates``

  - Fix bug where coordinate representation setting gets reset to default value
    when coordinate array is indexed or sliced. [#3824]

  - Fixed confusing warning message shown when using dates outside current IERS
    data. [#3844]

  - ``get_sun`` now yields a scalar when the input time is a scalar (this was a
    regression in v1.0.3 from v1.0.2) [#3998]

  - Fixed bug where some scalar coordinates were incorrectly being changed to
    length-1 array coordinates after transforming through certain frames.

  - Fixed bug causing the ``separation`` methods of ``SkyCoord`` and frame
    classes to fail due to infinite recursion [#4033]

  - Made it so that passing in a list of ``SkyCoord`` objects that are in
    UnitSphericalRepresentation to the ``SkyCoord`` constructor appropriately
    yields a new object in UnitSphericalRepresentation [#3938]

- ``astropy.cosmology``

  - Fixed wCDM to not ignore the Ob0 parameter on initialization. [#3934]

- ````

  - Fixed crash when updating data in a random groups HDU opened in update
    mode. [#3730]

  - Fixed incorrect checksum / datasum being written when re-writing a scaled
    HDU (i.e. non-trivial BSCALE and/or BZERO) with
    ``do_not_scale_image_data=False``. [#3883]

  - Fixed stray deprecation warning in ``BinTableHDU.copy()``. [#3789]

  - Better handling of the ``BLANK`` keyword when auto-scaling scaled image
    data.  The ``BLANK`` keyword is now removed from the header after
    auto-scaling is applied, and it is restored properly (with floating point
    NaNs replaced by the filler value) when updating a file opened with the
    ``scale_back=True`` argument.  Invalid usage of the ``BLANK`` keyword is
    also better warned about during validation. [#3865]

  - Reading memmaped scaled images won't fail when
    ``do_not_scale_image_data=True`` (that is, since we're just reading the raw
    / physical data there is no reason mmap can't be used). [#3766]

  - Fixed a reference cycle that could sometimes cause FITS table-related
    objects (``BinTableHDU``, ``ColDefs``, etc.) to hang around in memory
    longer than expected. [#4012]

- ``astropy.modeling``

  - Improved support for pickling of compound models, including both compound
    model instances, and new compound model classes. [#3867]

  - Added missing default values for ``Ellipse2D`` parameters. [#3903]

- ``astropy.time``

  - Fixed iteration of scalar ``Time`` objects so that ``iter()`` correctly
    raises a ``TypeError`` on them (while still allowing ``Time`` arrays to be
    iterated). [#4048]

- ``astropy.units``

  - Added frequency-equivalency check when declaring doppler equivalencies

  - Define ``floor_divide`` (``//``) for ``Quantity`` to be consistent
    ``divmod``, such that it only works where the quotient is dimensionless.
    This guarantees that ``(q1 // q2) * q2 + (q1 % q2) == q1``. [#3817]

  - Fixed the documentation of supported units to correctly report support for
    SI prefixes.  Previously the table of supported units incorrectly showed
    several derived unit as not supporting prefixes, when in fact they do.

  - Fix a crash when calling ``astropy.units.cds.enable()``.  This will now
    "set" rather than "add" units to the active set to avoid the namespace
    clash with the default units. [#3873]

  - Ensure in-place operations on ``float32`` quantities work. [#4007]

- ``astropy.utils``

  - The ``deprecated`` decorator did not correctly wrap classes that have a
    custom metaclass--the metaclass could be dropped from the deprecated
    version of the class. [#3997]

  - The ``wraps`` decorator would copy the wrapped function's name to the
    wrapper function even when ``'__name__'`` is excluded from the ``assigned``
    argument. [#4016]

- Misc

  - ``fitscheck`` no longer causes scaled image data to be rescaled when
    adding checksums to existing files. [#3884]

  - Fixed an issue where running ``import astropy`` from within the source
    tree did not automatically build the extension modules if the source is
    from a source distribution (as opposed to a git repository). [#3932]

  - Fixed multiple instances of a bug that prevented Astropy from being used
    when compiled with the ``python -OO`` flag, due to it causing all
    docstrings to be stripped out. [#3923]

  - Removed source code template files that were being installed
    accidentally alongside installed Python modules. [#4014]

  - Fixed a bug in the exception logging that caused a crash in the exception
    handler itself on Python 3 when exceptions do not include a message.

1.0.3 (2015-06-05)

New Features

- ``astropy.table``

  - Greatly improved the speed of printing a large table to the screen when
    only a few rows are being displayed. [#3796]

- ``astropy.time``

  - Add support for the 2015-Jun-30 leap second. [#3794]

API Changes

- ````

  - Note that HTML formatted tables will not always be found with guess mode
    unless it passes certain heuristics that strongly suggest the presence of
    HTML in the input.  Code that expects to read tables from HTML should
    specify ``format='html'`` explicitly. See bug fixes below for more
    details. [#3693]

Bug Fixes

- ``astropy.convolution``

  - Fix issue with repeated normalizations of ``Kernels``. [#3747]

- ``astropy.coordinates``

  - Fixed ``get_sun`` to yield frames with the ``obstime`` set to what's passed into the function (previously it incorrectly always had J2000). [#3750]

  - Fixed ``get_sun`` to account for aberration of light. [#3750]

  - Fixed error in the GCRS->ICRS transformation that gave incorrect distances. [#3750]

- ````

  - Remove HTML from the list of automatically-guessed formats when reading if
    the file does not appear to be HTML.  This was necessary to avoid a
    commonly-encountered segmentation fault occurring in the libxml parser on
    MacOSX. [#3693]

- ````

  - Fixes to support the upcoming Numpy 1.10. [#3419]

- ``astropy.modeling``

  - Polynomials are now scaled when used in a compound model. [#3702]

  - Fixed the ``Ellipse2D`` model to be consistent with ``Disk2D`` in
    how pixels are included. [#3736]

  - Fixed crash when evaluating a model that accepts no inputs. [#3772]

- ``astropy.testing``

  - The Astropy py.test plugins that disable unintentional internet access
    in tests were also blocking use of local UNIX sockets in tests, which
    prevented testing some multiprocessing code--fixed. [#3713]

- ``astropy.units``

  - Supported full SI prefixes for the barn unit ("picobarn", "femtobarn",
    etc.)  [#3753]

  - Fix loss of precision when multiplying non-whole-numbered powers
    of units together.  For example, before this change, ``(u.m **
    1.5) ** Fraction(4, 5)`` resulted in an inaccurate floating-point
    power of ``1.2000000000000002``.  After this change, the exact
    rational number of ``Fraction(6, 5)`` is maintained. [#3790]

  - Fixed printing of object ndarrays containing multiple Quantity
    objects with differing / incompatible units. Note: Unit conversion errors
    now cause a ``UnitConversionError`` exception to be raised.  However, this
    is a subclass of the ``UnitsError`` exception used previously, so existing
    code that catches ``UnitsError`` should still work. [#3778]

Other Changes and Additions

- Added a new ``astropy.__bibtex__`` attribute which gives a citation
  for Astropy in bibtex format. [#3697]

- The bundled version of ERFA was updated to v1.2.0 to address leapsecond
  updates. [#3802]

0.4.6 (2015-05-29)

Bug Fixes

- ``astropy.time``

    - Fixed ERFA code to handle the 2015-Jun-30 leap second. [#3795]

... (more)

To see a diff of this commit:;a=commitdiff;h=12bb7fd380eeaf66ca0f3f3bd27f71f09774481d

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

 py-astropy/Makefile |   8 +--
 py-astropy/PLIST    | 166 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 py-astropy/distinfo |   7 ++-
 3 files changed, 165 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/py-astropy/Makefile b/py-astropy/Makefile
index ee824a2..399f1e1 100644
--- a/py-astropy/Makefile
+++ b/py-astropy/Makefile
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2015/08/11 23:01:32 jihbed Exp $
+# $NetBSD$
-DISTNAME=	astropy-1.0.4
+DISTNAME=	astropy-1.1.1
 CATEGORIES=	geography python
 COMMENT=	Community-developed python astronomy tools
 LICENSE=	modified-bsd
-WRKSRC=		${WRKDIR}/astropy-1.0.4
+WRKSRC=		${WRKDIR}/astropy-1.1.1
 USE_TOOLS+=	pkg-config
diff --git a/py-astropy/PLIST b/py-astropy/PLIST
index 1310219..c538bd1 100644
--- a/py-astropy/PLIST
+++ b/py-astropy/PLIST
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.5 2015/08/11 23:01:32 jihbed Exp $
+@comment $NetBSD$
@@ -179,6 +180,12 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/coordinates/builtin_frames/cirs.pyo
@@ -215,9 +222,18 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/coordinates/builtin_frames/intermediate_rotation_transforms
@@ -245,6 +261,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/coordinates/representation.pyo
@@ -264,6 +283,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/coordinates/tests/accuracy/icrs_fk5.csv
@@ -288,6 +310,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/coordinates/tests/test_api_ape5.pyo
@@ -306,6 +331,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/coordinates/tests/test_funcs.pyo
@@ -321,12 +349,18 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/coordinates/tests/test_regression.pyo
@@ -345,6 +379,7 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/cosmology/funcs.pyo
@@ -381,8 +416,11 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/extern/configobj/configobj.pyo
@@ -447,6 +485,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/io/ascii/ipac.pyo
@@ -478,12 +519,14 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/io/ascii/tests/t/daophot.dat
@@ -499,6 +542,7 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/io/ascii/tests/t/sextractor2.dat
@@ -556,6 +600,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/io/ascii/ui.pyo
@@ -623,6 +670,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/io/fits/scripts/fitsdiff.pyo
@@ -686,9 +736,6 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/io/fits/tests/test_uint.pyo
@@ -833,6 +880,7 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/modeling/__init__.pyo
@@ -1008,9 +1056,15 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/setup_package.pyo
@@ -1020,28 +1074,44 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/stats/sigma_clipping.pyo
@@ -1057,6 +1127,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/table/row.pyo
@@ -1069,12 +1142,24 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/table/tests/__init__.pyo
@@ -1114,6 +1199,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/table/tests/test_table.pyo
@@ -1127,6 +1215,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/tests/output_checker.pyo
@@ -1164,6 +1255,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/time/core.pyo
@@ -1182,6 +1276,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/time/tests/test_delta.pyo
@@ -1197,6 +1294,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/time/tests/test_sidereal.pyo
@@ -1269,6 +1369,21 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/units/format/utils.pyo
@@ -1299,6 +1414,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/units/tests/test_equivalencies.pyo
@@ -1327,6 +1445,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/utils/
@@ -1411,6 +1532,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/utils/console.pyo
@@ -1429,6 +1553,7 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/utils/iers/iers.pyo
@@ -1460,11 +1585,15 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/utils/tests/data/invalid.dat.gz
@@ -1486,6 +1615,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/utils/tests/test_console.pyo
@@ -1544,6 +1676,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/version.pyo
@@ -1571,6 +1706,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/visualization/stretch.pyo
@@ -1583,12 +1721,18 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/visualization/tests/test_stretch.pyo
@@ -1723,7 +1867,6 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/vo/validator/tests/__init__.pyo
@@ -1782,6 +1925,7 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/wcs/tests/data/2wcses.hdr
@@ -1789,11 +1933,15 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/wcs/tests/data/j94f05bgq_flt.fits
diff --git a/py-astropy/distinfo b/py-astropy/distinfo
index 3df3a9b..72337cf 100644
--- a/py-astropy/distinfo
+++ b/py-astropy/distinfo
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 $NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.5 2015/08/11 23:01:32 jihbed Exp $
-SHA1 (astropy-1.0.4.tar.gz) = 2974954e2ee3caee669e8199813e020bd8b1827f
-RMD160 (astropy-1.0.4.tar.gz) = 978aeb1a88910a9abb9fd8f87e897d4ab01d9b85
-Size (astropy-1.0.4.tar.gz) = 7693852 bytes
+SHA1 (astropy-1.1.1.tar.gz) = 2017eb49bae29607e8e4095fc9d918510ddcdf36
+RMD160 (astropy-1.1.1.tar.gz) = 895b3d5b8bb728516ffb42ca2a851770b6d3a550
+SHA512 (astropy-1.1.1.tar.gz) = bc3c370da32d5f0098dbfc2808dba9d4d4424d3dcfba4d7ffd84b39569387b79ad93086e10678c259237f9cfe1229725501d0dc4eba51c9d01a4cd8a72024fb4
+Size (astropy-1.1.1.tar.gz) = 8157305 bytes

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