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Re: pkgsrc-current versions ahead of CDN sites; cannot build

> pkgsrc-current as pulled in by 'cvs up -AdP' fails to build a few packages; on
> my way to building musicpd and ympd, there are dependent packages which are
> not building due to the CDN hosts not having as current a version of the
> source tars as the build manifests seem to demand.

I am not sure I follow. pkgsrc pulls the source tarballs from the
upstream sites by default. They should have the newest distfiles.
Or do you have an override setting that prefers downloading sources
from the NetBSD archive?

As for how the distfiles get onto the NetBSD CDN in the first place:
either the person who updates a package uses "make upload-distfiles"
(which I rarely do, to be fair), or there is a cronjob that fetches
and uploads them. IIRC, the cronjob runs nightly, so you may have
better luck tomorrow.


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