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binary packages for 10.0_BETA

The NetBSD 10 release process is within measurable distance of its end!
A number of people are already running builds from the netbsd-10 branch,
and building packages on netbsd-10.

Packages for NetBSD 10 have been built over the last several months, and
made available via  (This is irregular because 10 is not
yet a formal release, but has been useful for testing and just as a
convenience for users.)

Recently there were pullups that switched openssl from 1.1.1 to 3.0, and
these are an ABI break.  Packages built from before in general won't
work on new netbsd-10.  The point of running netbsd-10 is to help test
the pre-release, and the only approach that makes sense for that is to
run up-to-date 10.  We can't handle either the storage for multiple old
versions, or the confusion about which packages work with which dates of
netbsd-10.  Therefore I have just removed all pre-ABI-break packages for
10 from the ftp server.  If you are running netbsd-10, and you want to
use binary packages from, please update your systems.

There are currently up-to-date builds for NetBSD 10 for a few


We are currently a very small number of days away from 2023Q3 being cut,
and 2023Q3 versions of the above will likely appear soonish after branch
cut.  I hope amd64/10.0_2023Q3 will appear as well.  I also expect
builds for 2023Q3 for retrocomputing architectures to begin, but of
course some of those take a long time.

So far we haven't had a build for 10 i386 on ftp.n.o.  This is a clue;
if you're running i386 on a machine capable of running amd64, especially
if you want to run anything remotely approaching "modern desktop", you
should consider switching.  If you're building your own packages for a
Soekris Net4801, or you are running i386 because you want to test it,
then by all means party on!

If you are running NetBSD 8 and using binary packages from ftp.n.o, you
should be making upgrade plans.  8.0 was released in July of 2018, which
is 5 years and 2 months ago.  We are still building binary packages for
it because it is technically a supported release, but complicated-prereq
packages are increasingly troubled; 8.0 amd64 has about 4000 fewer
packages than 9.  I don't see anyone in the pkgsrc community putting a
lot of effort into fixing that.  Rather, it seems to me that with a few
exceptions, almost everyone who fixes things has stopped running 8.
And, 8 will become formally unsupported when 10 is released -- the ice
is getting thin.  It is reasonably likely that 2023Q3 will be the last
branch with 8 packages.


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