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I've just imported a new package, pkgtools/python-versions-check.

The intent of the package is to avoid problems with mismatching
supported Python versions, i.e. if a package supports Python 2.7 but
one of its dependencies does not, or the other way round.

You run it on a package directory (or it checks '.' if no argument is
given), and it reports differences in the Python versions supported by
this package compared to the packages it uses and the packages that
depend on it, recursively.

Example for the output if there is a problem:

# math/py-numpy
Supported Python versions for math/py-numpy: [39, 310, 311]
Checking packages used by math/py-numpy:
Checking packages using math/py-numpy:
math/py-scipy: supports [38, 39, 310, 311], missing: [38]

You should then change math/py-scipy to remove '38' from the supported
versions (and, for safety, run again :) -
though recursive dependencies that are affected will have been
reported in the first run).

Please try it out and let me know if you find any problems with it.

Please use this when you change supported Python versions for a
package, to avoid issues in bulk builds.

Thank you,

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