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Re: Building FFox

On 26/10/2022 11:53, Todd Gruhn wrote:
This box had 64GB RAM. Does MAKE_JOBS  need to
be set for this box?

I'd hope not although it depends what value of MAKE_JOBS you are using. If not set I think defaults to 1. I do weekly pkgsrc HEAD builds including www/firefox on a 16GB system running NetBSD 9.3-STABLE/amd64 system. Had some problems in the long past with build stability due to a NetBSD-9 race condition that impacted rust but that was fixed some time ago. I do run with slightly modified vm tuning settings:


But they have more to do with stopping the file cache from forcing out active processes rather than them causing problems with the build itself.

I run all my builds with MAKE_JOBS=8 which is the number of logical CPUs in my system which seems to keep things pretty close to 100% utilization during a build run.

Based on my observations rust only seems to be hugely memory intensive (compared to GCC) at link time. At compile time based on what I've seen its fairly comparable with newer versions of GCC and clang. I used to do chroot i386 builds as well but thunderbird kept failing due to the link stage using up the entire 4GB of address space an i386 program can use :( Since it wasn't that important to have those packages I never really tracked it down as I assumed it was specific to my environment.


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