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Re: Seeking status reports on unusual operating systems

On 22/04/03 08:35PM, Greg Troxel wrote:
> This seems off.  Is "CC" really the filename of a C++ compiler?  

Actually yes, see CC(1) - C++ compiler:

> If so, wouldn't CXXCPP use ${CPP}?  And the text above says you need C
> and doesn't mention C++ (but surely that can't be right).  I therefore
> didn't apply this hunk.

Acknowledged :-)
I think it can stay the way it was. 

However, looking at your latest commit, the section about `cc' compiler
settings should be brought back where it belongs (which is paragraph 'If
you are using Sun Workshop' as opposed to 'Prerequisites'), since it
applies to Sun/Solaris Studio only. It will break bootstrapping with
GCC otherwise. Better to revert that before somebody finds they cannot
bootstrap pkgsrc on Illumos. 

> Totally fair that what works on one might not work on another.  The
> current README is very lacking on saying what does and doesn't work now.
> It's dizzying how many illumos-ish things they are and it's really hard
> to understand the relationships.  So someone more into the Solaris world
> than me is going to have to reorganize the README.

I'm not into Solaris enough to feel entitled to taking charge of this. I'm
not a developer either. From what I can see however, the README is
mostly ok.

The prerequisites section, with regard to using --abi64 and crle(1),
is valid on Illumos too.

SunStudio on illumos is dead for any practical purpose. Nobody wanted to
fork and maintain it when Oracle acquired Sun, so it's frozen at what is
was 12 years ago. OpenIndiana, which afaict was the last distribution to
ship Studio 12.1, eventually removed it in 2020.  

The GCC section should be enough to bootstrap pkgsrc on illumos. The
indications for setting a build environment with GCC if the compiler is
not in $PATH still apply today. The only thing lacking is a list of dev
packages to install depending on distribution, in order to have
everything set for compiling.

Such illumos-specific indications could be given inside this section,
by merging the 'How to use pkgsrc on Solarish (Illumos based)' wiki
entry^[1], or by simply linking to it.


Few notices regarding that page:

- GCC 7.3 is now the default compiler on Illumos (with GCC 10.3 being
  the shadow compiler).

- /opt/gcc/$(GCC_VERSION) on Illumos is usually where the patched
  version of the compiler - used to build illumos itself - is located.
  This will exists only after installing the illumos build environment
  (package 'build-essential' on OI, 'illumos-tools' on OmniOS and
  'illumos-build' on Tribblix) . Vanilla GCC instead is normally
  installed at /usr/gcc/$(GCC_VERSION) and symlinked to /usr/bin/gcc-*,
  with the default alternative being /usr/bin/gcc. Upon installing any
  gcc version, it should be already available in $PATH. 

- OpenSXCE hasn't been updated since 2014. illumos-gate dropped SPARC in
  2021. The most recent working and still maintained versions of illumos
  for SPARC are Tribblix (desktop) and v9oS (server). Somebody with SPARC
  hardware and willing to test pkgsrc on v9os may replace the OpenSXCE
  section with one dedicated to v9os. 

- Since Joyent provides^[2] working binary bootstraps for illumos in
  sync with pkgsrc-current, I'm of the opinion that it would be worth
  to mention that in the wiki. Under most circumstances, the binary
  bootstrap offers a dirty, but trouble-free way of deploying pkgsrc on
  any up-to-date illumos distribution (in sync with illumos-gate).


> Specifically I can't figure out if illumos is a project or an OS. Is
> illumos-gate an OS?  Can one install it?  Or is it just a base class for
> OmniOS and OpenIndiana?  Is SmartOS a subclaas of OmniOS?  Do they have
> aligned version numbers?  How would I tell if I had one of these and a
> version number if pkgsrc worked from the README?

Simply put, yes illumos-gate is an OS. It is roughly the equivalent of
*BSD minus the installer and third-party software. So, no, you cannot
install it alone, unless you deploy your own distribution, which may as
well just consist of a bunch of build/install shell scripts. 

illumos-gate is what, in the Solaris IPS nomenclature, is referred to as
a 'OS/Net' (ON) consolidation, a modular set of IPS packages which make
up the core OS, designed to be built and used in a fashion which is
similar to FreeBSD's PkgBase.

Refer to onu(1ONBLD) and generally to all the ONBLD manual section:

SmartOS, OmniOS, OpenIndiana, Tribblix, v9os, Nexenta and what else are
independent software distributions using illumos-gate as base.  Each of
them will usually apply a variable amount of tweaks and changes to
illumos-gate, in order to fit their needs. SmartOS is the  least
conservative and will often develop and add features independently,
which are eventually backported to upstream illumos-gate after some time
(think of ZoL vs OpenZFS for comparison). 

vms[-at]   |

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