I've just installed virt-manager with pkgin on NetBSD 9.2. The installation went ok. But,when I ran it,an error came up :
netbsd-marietto# virt-manager
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/pkg/share/virt-manager/virt-manager.py", line 386, in <module>
File "/usr/pkg/share/virt-manager/virt-manager.py", line 247, in main
from virtManager import cli
File "/usr/pkg/share/virt-manager/virtManager/cli.py", line 29, in <module>
import libvirt
ImportError: No module named libvirt
Googling a little bit maybe I've found the solution here :
where "kim" said :
Looking at pkgsrc/sysutils/libvirt/PLIST it doesn't look like the package provides any Python bindings -- which is what the "ImportError: No module named libvirt" error message is about. You could try py-libvirt from pkgsrc-wip and see how that works out.
I tried to start the compilation like this :
netbsd-marietto# cd /home/mario/Desktop/pkgsrc-wip/py-libvirt
netbsd-marietto# make
but I've got this error :
make: "/home/mario/Desktop/pkgsrc-wip/py-libvirt/Makefile" line 15: Could not find ../../wip/libvirt/buildlink3.mk
make: "/home/mario/Desktop/pkgsrc-wip/py-libvirt/Makefile" line 16: Could not find ../../lang/python/distutils.mk
make: "/home/mario/Desktop/pkgsrc-wip/py-libvirt/Makefile" line 17: Could not find ../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk
make: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
If u want to see the content of the Makefile,it is :
gedit /home/mario/Desktop/pkgsrc-wip/py-libvirt/Makefile
#$NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.32 2018/11/30 09:59:40 adam Exp $
DISTNAME= libvirt-python-5.8.0
CATEGORIES= sysutils python
MASTER_SITES= https://libvirt.org/sources/python/
MAINTAINER= pkgsrc-users%NetBSD.org@localhost
HOMEPAGE= https://libvirt.org/sources/python/
COMMENT= libvirt python library
LICENSE= gnu-lgpl-v2
USE_TOOLS+= pkg-config
.include "../../wip/libvirt/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../lang/python/distutils.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"
I've already bootstrapped the pkgsrc. They are in /home/marietto/Desktop/pkgsrc-wip folder. Infact I have exchanged the paths stored in the Makefile with these :
.include "/home/mario/Desktop/pkgsrc-wip/libvirt/buildlink3.mk"
.include "/usr/pkgsrc/lang/python/distutils.mk"
.include "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/bsd.pkg.mk"
but I got the following situation :
netbsd-marietto# make
make: "/home/mario/Desktop/pkgsrc-wip/libvirt/buildlink3.mk" line 11: Could not find ../../security/gnutls/buildlink3.mk
make: "/home/mario/Desktop/pkgsrc-wip/libvirt/buildlink3.mk" line 12: Could not find ../../textproc/libxml2/buildlink3.mk
make: "/home/mario/Desktop/pkgsrc-wip/libvirt/buildlink3.mk" line 13: Could not find ../../devel/yajl/buildlink3.mk
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/bsd.fast.prefs.mk" line 7: Could not find ../../mk/bsd.prefs.mk
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/bsd.prefs.mk" line 377: Cannot open /mk/defaults/mk.conf
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/bsd.prefs.mk" line 395: Cannot open /mk/platform/NetBSD.mk
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/bsd.prefs.mk" line 636: Cannot open /mk/tools/defaults.mk
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/bsd.prefs.mk" line 638: Malformed conditional (${FETCH_USING} == "auto")
sh: 1: Syntax error: end of file unexpected
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/bsd.prefs.mk" line 651: warning: "cd && " returned non-zero status
sh: 1: Syntax error: end of file unexpected
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/bsd.prefs.mk" line 671: warning: "cd /home/mario/Desktop/pkgsrc-wip/py-libvirt && " returned non-zero status
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/bsd.prefs.mk" line 721: Malformed conditional (${PKGSRC_MKPIE:tl} == "yes" && ${MKPIE_SUPPORTED:Uyes:tl} == "yes" && ${_OPSYS_SUPPORTS_MKPIE:Uno} == "yes")
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/bsd.prefs.mk" line 731: Malformed conditional (${PKGSRC_MKREPRO:tl} == "yes" && ${MKREPRO_SUPPORTED:Uyes:tl} == "yes" && ${_OPSYS_SUPPORTS_MKREPRO:Uno} == "yes")
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/bsd.prefs.mk" line 742: Malformed conditional (${PKGSRC_USE_FORTIFY:tl} != "no" && ${FORTIFY_SUPPORTED:Uyes:tl} == "yes" && ${_OPSYS_SUPPORTS_FORTIFY:Uno} == "yes")
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/bsd.prefs.mk" line 753: Malformed conditional (${PKGSRC_USE_RELRO:tl} != "no" && ${RELRO_SUPPORTED:Uyes:tl} == "yes" && ${_OPSYS_SUPPORTS_RELRO:Uno} == "yes")
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/bsd.prefs.mk" line 765: Malformed conditional (${PKGSRC_USE_SSP:tl} != "no" && ${SSP_SUPPORTED:Uyes:tl} == "yes" && ${_OPSYS_SUPPORTS_SSP:Uno} == "yes")
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/bsd.prefs.mk" line 776: Malformed conditional (${PKGSRC_USE_STACK_CHECK:tl} != "no" && ${STACK_CHECK_SUPPORTED:Uyes:tl} == "yes" && ${_OPSYS_SUPPORTS_STACK_CHECK:Uno} == "yes")
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/bsd.prefs.mk" line 800: Malformed conditional (empty(PKGPATH:Mpkgtools/cwrappers) && (${USE_CWRAPPERS:tl} == "yes" || (${USE_CWRAPPERS:tl} == "auto" && ${_OPSYS_SUPPORTS_CWRAPPERS:Uno} == "yes")))
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/wrapper/wrapper-defs.mk" line 33: Malformed conditional (${_USE_CWRAPPERS} == "yes")
sh: /usr/lib/libpthread.a: permission denied
sh: : not found
sh: no: not found
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/buildlink3/find-libs.mk" line 65: warning: "if "` /usr/lib/libpthread.*`" != "/usr/lib/libpthread.*"; then yes; else no; fi" returned non-zero status
sh: /usr/lib/libc_r.*: not found
sh: : not found
sh: no: not found
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/buildlink3/find-libs.mk" line 65: warning: "if "` /usr/lib/libc_r.*`" != "/usr/lib/libc_r.*"; then yes; else no; fi" returned non-zero status
sh: /usr/lib/librt.a: permission denied
sh: : not found
sh: no: not found
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/buildlink3/find-libs.mk" line 65: warning: "if "` /usr/lib/librt.*`" != "/usr/lib/librt.*"; then yes; else no; fi" returned non-zero status
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/dlopen.builtin.mk" line 9: Could not find ../../mk/buildlink3/bsd.builtin.mk
sh: /usr/lib/libintl.a: permission denied
sh: : not found
sh: no: not found
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/buildlink3/find-libs.mk" line 65: warning: "if "` /usr/lib/libintl.*`" != "/usr/lib/libintl.*"; then yes; else no; fi" returned non-zero status
sh: -q: not found
sh: __nonexistent__: not found
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/buildlink3/find-headers.mk" line 92: warning: "if -q \#define\[\ \ \]\*__USE_GNU_GETTEXT /usr/include/libintl.h; then /usr/include/libintl.h; else __nonexistent__; fi" returned non-zero status
sh: -q: not found
sh: __nonexistent__: not found
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/buildlink3/find-headers.mk" line 92: warning: "if -q gentoo-multilib/.\*/libintl.h /usr/include/libintl.h; then /usr/include/libintl.h; else __nonexistent__; fi" returned non-zero status
sh: -q: not found
sh: __nonexistent__: not found
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/buildlink3/find-headers.mk" line 92: warning: "if -q char.\*ngettext /usr/include/libintl.h; then /usr/include/libintl.h; else __nonexistent__; fi" returned non-zero status
sh: -q: not found
sh: __nonexistent__: not found
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/buildlink3/find-headers.mk" line 92: warning: "if -q libgnuintl.h /usr/include/libintl.h; then /usr/include/libintl.h; else __nonexistent__; fi" returned non-zero status
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/check/bsd.check-vars.mk" line 22: Malformed conditional (${_OPSYS_CAN_CHECK_SHLIBS:tl} == "yes")
sh: -n: not found
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/unprivileged.mk" line 129: warning: " -n -u" returned non-zero status
sh: -n: not found
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/unprivileged.mk" line 132: warning: " -n -g" returned non-zero status
sh: -n: not found
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/unprivileged.mk" line 135: warning: " -n -G" returned non-zero status
make: "/usr/pkgsrc/mk/bsd.pkg.mk" line 426: Malformed conditional (${_USE_CWRAPPERS} == "yes")
sh: /pkg_admin: not found
sh: /pkg_admin: not found
make: "${PKG_TOOLS_BIN}/pkg_admin -K ${_CROSS_DESTDIR}/usr/pkg/pkgdb config-var PKGVULNDIR" returned non-zero status
make: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
make: stopped in /home/mario/Desktop/pkgsrc-wip/py-libvirt