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Re: pkgsrc bootstrap fails on Tribblix

* On 2021-01-23 at 13:07 GMT, Hung Nguyen Gia wrote:

> Explicitly state --abi 32 could let the bootstrap done:
> ./bootstrap --abi 32 --unprivileged --make-jobs 8
> I will try to build a package to see if it actually works.

There's no notion of a default target on illumos, it depends on how
the host compiler is built.  The bootstrap default is to use whatever
the kernel architecture is, which for illumos/x86 will be 64-bit.

Most illumos compilers will be multiarch, however, so it shouldn't
matter, and therefore it might be that there's a bug somewhere here
that is perhaps causing parts of the bootstrap to be built without
enforcing -m64.

There may also be an argument that we should choose the default ABI
based on default compiler preprocessor defines, though these days
there is an increasing amount of software that only supports 64-bit,
so it's strongly recommended not to use 32-bit.  I stopped providing
32-bit illumos packages a long time ago.

If nobody else is able to take a look at this soon I'll try to spin up
my old Tribblix VM and investigate.


Jonathan Perkin  -  Joyent, Inc.  -

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