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Re: Joyent pkgsrc Centos binary installation on... Slackware?

* On 2019-05-29 at 12:43 BST, Ottavio Caruso wrote:

> Yesterday I casually bumped into this video:
> The uploader did a parallel install of Joyent pkgsrc binary framework
> on both a Centos and a Slackware machine (the Centos one is the one
> with amber text on black background and the Slackware one is the one
> with a white background).
> He then went on and installed Xemacs on Slackware and I was surprised
> it actually worked.
> My questions are:
>  - Why did it work?
>  - Isn't the bulk binary build only supposed to work with Centos?
> - Would it work on my pseudo-Debian machine? (I dare not try yet).
> This could potentially open a whole world of possibilities (or a can of worms).

It will only work if all the libraries required by each package you
are trying to install are located in the same place as CentOS.  I am
almost certain this isn't the case on Debian/Ubuntu, but perhaps
Slackware follows the RedHat scheme which is why it worked.

It's not recommended though even if it does happen to work, there may
be subtle library changes that only surface at runtime in ways that
are difficult to debug.

Jonathan Perkin  -  Joyent, Inc.  -

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