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Re: GCC and as

On 05/17/18 15:10, Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:
On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 12:43:56PM -0500, Jason Bacon wrote:
/sharedapps/pkg-2018Q1/bin/gld: warning:, needed by /home/sharedapps/pkgsrc-2018Q1/fonts/harfbuzz/work/.buildlink/lib/,
not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
This is the core issue. Find the library, figure out why it not in the
default search path and/or what rpath is missing. From the name, it
should be.


Yeah, the first thing I tried was locating where was installed, but apparently I botched my first attempt at

find /lib* -name libdl\*

Second try showed it in /lib64.

The problem seems to be a hard-coded path in binutils/Makefile:

CONFIGURE_ARGS+=    --with-lib-path='/lib:/usr/lib'

After adding '/lib64:/usr/lib64:', I'm able to build a test package successfully.

New problem, though.  For verification, I reversed the patch, rebuilt and reinstalled binutils, and my test package still builds even though it should not.  :-/

Starting with a fresh tree again, which will take a while as I have to build gcc5 from source.

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