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Re: missing math functions on powerpc (macppc)?

On Fri, 18 Dec 2015, Frank Wille wrote:

> Martin Husemann wrote:
> > The problem is that the bug is hiding as a pkg one - it would be really
> > cool if you could create a small example code that triggers it as well
> > and file a toolchain bug with that.
> Here it is. A small function without any includes and dependencides. Just
> compile the attachment with gcc 4.8.4 nb2 for PowerPC using the options
> -maltivec and -O3.

Still present in:

  $ gcc --version
  gcc (nb3 20151015) 4.8.5

in -current:

NetBSD sawtooth.technoskunk.fur 7.99.24 NetBSD 7.99.24 (GENERIC) #3: Tue Dec 15 23:53:57 CST 2015  sysop%x3650.technoskunk.fur@localhost:/r0/build/current/obj/macppc/sys/arch/macppc/compile/GENERIC macppc

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