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Re: pkgsrc on fedora seems to need /bin/(ba)sh replaced by /bin/(k)sh

Further to this, Jeremy Reed helped me with debug and two outcomes might be relevant for pkgsrc on RedHat/Fedora

1) the base /bin/sh -> bash doesn't grok configure stuff.

if you run bmake as SH=/bin/ksh bmake... this problem goes away.

Is there some simple way to make the /bin/ksh *be* the default shell in either the pkgsrc/mk/ or in /etc/mk.conf?

2) gnu sort cannot handle +n form arguments unless told to use an
older POSIX environment.

This is also fixable by setting a runtime environment call before the exec of bmake. Therefore the same question: can/should these be set by some env, or mk/mk.conf settings on the platform?

I've since found that the gcc version is 4.1.1, and there are lvalue cast related problems which are well understood, and indeed fixed on some code, I may have a patch from gentoo which addresses this for nvi I'd like to submit into pkgsrc. Interestingly, the NetBSD gcc doesn't trip over this problem, I guess people realized that ANSI C fascism had a downside and provided some way out of the problem

Many thanks to Jeremy Reed for his help.


PS I run BSD, but I sometimes have to work on non-BSD boxen, which is why It matters to me that pkgsrc works on them. Go pkgsrc for being as
amazingly portable as it is!! as fixes go, setting env is *trivial*.

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