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pkg/43467: [geography/gdal-lib]Update to 1.7.2

>Number:         43467
>Category:       pkg
>Synopsis:       [geography/gdal-lib]Update to 1.7.2
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    pkg-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Jun 13 15:05:00 +0000 2010
>Originator:     Wen Heping
>Release:        NetBSD-5.0.2
NetBSD 5.0.2 NetBSD 5.0.2 (GENERIC) #0: Sat Feb  6 17:53:27 
UTC 2010
The 1.7.2 release is a routine bug fix release on the stable GDAL/OGR 1.7

== General ==

 * configure/libtool/etc regenerated with newer versions.
 * Fix definition of CPL atomic function with CPL_INLINE undefined (#3526)
 * Clean out remnants of old generation python support in configure (#3489)
 * Fix build problems on systems with 64bit pointer and 32bit long (#3460)
 * C#: Fixed ambiguous reference to SpatialReference in C# sample apps (#3477)
 * C#: Fix crash on memory release of string from ExportToWkt() (#3529)
 * Java: Handle transparency better in color tables (#3455)
 * Python 2.x/3.0 compatability fixes for scripts (#3441, #3395)
 * Python fixes for numpy array io (#3542)
 * stateplane.csv updated for Kentuky and California fixes (#3408)

== GDAL / Raster ==

 * USGS DEM: Add state plane coordinate system support (#3529)
 * PCIDSK: Ensure C++ compiler used to compile C++ code on unix (#3526)
 * GTiff: Fix writing of area or point metadata (#3522)
 * NITF: Improve error handling for GeoSDE (#3518)
 * NITF: Fix support for reading large blocks (#3263)
 * NITF: fix handling of zone 'J' as south pole (#3337)
 * Leveller: Fix build problem with 8bit string (#3490)
 * Fix support for larger than 2GB buffers in GDALDataset::RasterIO() (#3481)
 * Avoid infinite loop in rasterize algorithm with small buffers (#3473)
 * Burn attribute into all bands during rasterization (#3396)
 * Fix crash with null geometries when rasterizing (#3437)
 * Warper: Backout heuristics about aligning io on block boundaries (#3459)
 * Warper: Fixed chunking problem that sometimes causes data dropout (#3458)
 * gdalwarp: Fix crash on files with no bands. (#3438)
 * Avoid unnecessary work in GDALSuggestedWarpOutput2() (#3447)
 * HDF4: better support for odd sizes datasets, avoid missing ds crash (#3316)
 * JP2KAK: support quality values as low as 0.01 percent. (#2801)
 * JP2KAK: Avoid use of set_fussy(), makes some images fail (#3295)
 * fix when -q is not specified.
 * fix specifying field name in existing layer (#3418)
 * HFA: Avoid crash for long field names (#3427)
 * HFA: Several fixes for generating large HFA overviews (#3371)
 * GeoRaster: Fixes for JPEG compression and RGBA color interprtation (#3430)
 * ENVI: Include INTERLEAVE metadata(#3436)
 * Improve GDAL plugin loading support on MacOS X (#2661)
 * PDS: Several fixes to support prototype Dawn products (#3543)
 * AIGRID: support sparse sets of tiles (#3541)

== OGR / Vector ==

 * Shape: Support .prj file from virtual file sources like zip (#3536)
 * Shape: Fix REPACK support on unix (#3434)
 * MapInfo: Create layer definition on layer creation. (#3391)
 * ogr2ogr.cpp: Fix crash on exit with -clipsrc or -clipdst (#3530)
 * Postgres: Improve logic for extending spatial_ref_sys (#3508)
 * Postgres: Do not ignore "pg*" tables that are not system tables (#3480)
 * SQLite: Improve SRS generation for spatial_ref_sys (#3506)
 * SQLite: Fix support for db with nulls in geometry_columns (#3507)
 * SQLite: Preserve triggers/index when adding fields (#3474)
 * SQLite: Avoid altering geometry column type in CreateField (#3471)
 * Make forceTo* function robust with EMPTY geometries.  (#3504)
 * Fix forceToPolygon() (#3498)
 * ODBC: format string safety changes in error/debug messages (#3402)
 * ODBC: Avoid problem with integer overflow in buffer sizes (#3385)
 * Be careful of NULL geometries in geos wrapper code (#3467)
 * DXF: Support DXF files with only an entities section (#3412)
 * DXF: Fixup polygon and 2d/3d handling (#3393)
 * DXF: Ensure points have AcDbEntity and AcDbPoint (#3423)
 * CopyLayer(): Use transactions for better performance (#3335)


--- Makefile.orig       2010-06-14 06:45:35.000000000 +0800
+++ Makefile    2010-06-14 06:48:52.000000000 +0800
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
 # $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.26 2010/03/14 16:32:15 wiz Exp $

-DISTNAME=      gdal-1.7.1
-PKGNAME=       gdal-lib-1.7.1
+DISTNAME=      gdal-1.7.2
+PKGNAME=       gdal-lib-1.7.2
 CATEGORIES=    geography

 COMMENT=       Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
+LICENSE=       mit

 PKG_DESTDIR_SUPPORT=   user-destdir

--- distinfo.orig       2010-06-14 06:45:43.000000000 +0800
+++ distinfo    2010-06-14 03:46:17.000000000 +0800
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 $NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.8 2010/03/10 11:45:26 adam Exp $

-SHA1 (gdal-1.7.1.tar.gz) = 1ff42b51f416da966ee25c42631a3faa3cca5d4d
-RMD160 (gdal-1.7.1.tar.gz) = 337502e12e0eb4b5ff5fad806545752e677a4ab8
-Size (gdal-1.7.1.tar.gz) = 7709157 bytes
+SHA1 (gdal-1.7.2.tar.gz) = a03127530708e3924aec7b505cc2ca4f8153f13c
+RMD160 (gdal-1.7.2.tar.gz) = a3f7950798448d8179f899dc095a83e23dcc269b
+Size (gdal-1.7.2.tar.gz) = 7755378 bytes
 SHA1 (patch-aa) = 2c017bda45d4ed4fb10f7e70d33b707ca33149d1

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