Subject: RE: NetBSD, X-win and multi users, request f
To: John A. Maier <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 01/03/2000 13:13:37
On 03-Jan-00 John A. Maier wrote:
> Anyone doing this at another facility?  What is the max load of Xstations   
> you can hang off of a given server?
> I'm looking at 3-5 X/NetBSD stations off of a PII-300 w/ 128 MB, see   
> reasonable?

I do this at home..  I have a k6-2-300, and run 2 remote xterms off it, and run
X on it locally.  I have no problems at all with it.  (96 megs ram, netbsd
1.3.2)  This machine is also an NFS server, and my primary workstation.

Tim Rightnour <>
NetBSD: Free multi-architecture OS
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