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Re: kern/58459: iwm0: fatal error on shutdown and reboot + other wifi woes


So I think that the iwm0: fatal error on shutdown is a red herring, and
that my wifi issue (that wifi stops working, even with reboot) actually
stems from hibrenation. I have the following lid_switch for powerd.

case "${2}" in
        # Wait for 1 second
        sleep 1
        # Suspend
        # As in sleep_button, kill some daemons.
        logger -p info "${0}: Sleeping, powering off network daemons"
        /sbin/sysctl -w hw.acpi.sleep.state=3
        exit 0

        logger -p info "${0}: Waking up, restarting network daemons"
        exit 0

        logger -p warning "${0}: unsupported event ${2} on device ${1}" >&1
        exit 1

Now my thinking is that I could instead change this to also
deactivate the network daemons as well, so I tried this solution.

case "${2}" in
        # Wait for 1 second
        sleep 1
        # Suspend
        # As in sleep_button, kill some daemons.
        logger -p info "${0}: Sleeping, powering off network daemons"
        /etc/rc.d/dhcpcd stop
        /etc/rc.d/wpa_supplicant stop
        /etc/rc.d/network stop
        /sbin/sysctl -w hw.acpi.sleep.state=3
        exit 0

        logger -p info "${0}: Waking up, restarting network daemons"
        /etc/rc.d/network start
        /etc/rc.d/wpa_supplicant start
        /etc/rc.d/dhcpcd start
        exit 0

        logger -p warning "${0}: unsupported event ${2} on device ${1}" >&1
        exit 1

Now, I have not experienced wifi issues. However, it seems the daemon
does not automatically restart. `cat /var/log/messages | grep "Waking
up"` does not yield any messages, so its as if it never runs the
`released)` part of the code.

Anyone knows what I could be missing?

On Wed Jul 24, 2024 at 9:11 AM -05, Ramiro Aceves wrote:
> El 23 de julio de 2024 17:25:00 CEST, escribió:
> >>Number:         58459
> >>Category:       kern
> >>Synopsis:       iwm0 fails with a fatal error on shutdown. Occassionally also having wifi issues
> >>Confidential:   no
> >>Severity:       non-critical
> >>Priority:       low
> >>Responsible:    kern-bug-people
> >>State:          open
> >>Class:          sw-bug
> >>Submitter-Id:   net
> >>Arrival-Date:   Tue Jul 23 15:25:00 +0000 2024
> >>Originator:
> >>Release:        NetBSD 10.0
> >>Organization:
> >>Environment:
> >System: NetBSD 10.0 NetBSD 10.0 (GENERIC) #1: Tue Jul 23 09:59:56 -05 2024 amd64
> >Architecture: x86_64
> >Machine: amd64
> >>Description:
> >	Hi,
> >
> >	On my Thinkpad T480s I am experiencing issues with iwm0.
> >
> >	iwm0 fails with a fatal error on shutdown and reboots.
> I have just bought a Thinkpad x260 and have been playing with it for a couple of days and I can confirm that I saw this message several times when shutdowning my system:
> iwm0: fatal firmware error
> In general it works fine. Wireless is a bit slow, getting 10 Mbps in a 11a mode 5GHz 54 Mbps connection. In Linux it gets 125 Mbps or so in a 866 Mpbs link...
> But happy with my new machine, much more better than my old Acer Aspire One.;-)
> Regards.
> Ramiro.
> >
> >

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