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Re: bin/44455: vi doesn't handle unprintable characters


> vi should show nonprintable characters as hexcodes, i.e \xe4 for an a-umlaut,
> instead it shows \x00. The characters are inserted correctly, just the
> display is bad.
> I can repeat this only on big-endian machines (amiga, sparc64) but not on
> others (amd64), the problem also exists in netbsd-5.
> My guess is that for 8bit locales the first byte of a wchar_t is displayed
> instead of the low byte.

you are right, dist/nvi/common/keys.c v_key_name() is wrong.

please try following patch:

this patch contains several fixes i18n related bugs of nvi-1.81:

1. fix PR/44455, nonprintable character doesn't show hex-visual under
big endian.
2. ":set octal" with nonprintable character causes nbwcurses move error.
3. moving (big)words by wW/eE/bB can't handle non-ascii characters.
4. toggle uppercase/lowercase by ~ can't handle non-ascii characters.
5. don't feed CHAR_T(=wchar_t) to is* function directly.
  is* funcs with over UCHAR_MAX value may cause undefined behavior.
  some ctype implementation(such as FreeBSD) return unexpected
result(same result as isw* func).
6. using non-ascii digit character with count/line number of ex/vi
command may causes unexpeced result.

very truly yours
Takehiko NOZAKI<>

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