The Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE) is coming up this month
(Feburary 21 & 22), and I'm going to be staffing a booth there with
David Maxwell, who's managed to make it down for the show. I've
typically brought out some Cobalt Qubes and Raqs to show the kinds of
interesting old hardware we run on, along with my T61 to show that we
run on newer hardware.
I'd love to have some other hardware to demo. In the past, I've
managed to get the NetBSD Toaster from Jesse Off, but I'm somewhat
reluctant to keep on bugging him for it. Do folks have favorite (low
cost) hardware to show off NetBSD? I wouldn't mind buying something
cool cheap (new or used) that I could put NetBSD for a demo, but I'm
not really interested in investing in particularly expensive stuff.
I realize that there isn't a TNF stash of booth stuff (well, I have a
large printed sign and some t-shirts that was sent to me, so maybe I
have the stash at the moment). Maybe we could create one?