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PW> Apparently I need to "purchase an inexpensive OATH TOTP compatible
PW> token device."

Here's another "thumbs-up" for the pkg "oath-toolkit".

I drive its oathtool(1) with a simple, rwx------ shell wrapper which
collects my personal seed secrets and tells me both the current and
upcoming TOTP, syncing on the HH:MM:{00,30} switch-overs.

(With an intentional off-by-one, cannot remember why I preferred
it that way, though.  The sample seeds below are not the real thing
-- no worries.)

Oh:  exit the loop with Ctrl-C.

							Martin Neitzel


case "$1" in
	-g*|-github)	secret=KMSXBBSPVOFBWCKX ;;
	-m*|-microsoft)	secret=sxok3dck8skxn9sx ;;
	-*)	echo "$1: no such option" 1>&2 ; exit 1 ;;
	?*)	secret=$1 ;;
	"")	echo "usage: $0 [ -h | -m | -g | -o | <SECRET> ]"
		exit 1

trap "exit 0" INT

while true; do
	t=`date +%S`
	date +"%T,  current & next token (changes on seconds :00 and :30):"
	oathtool --totp -w1 -b $secret
	# gotcha!  $t may come as 08 or 09 which would be illegal octal
	# numbers -- so we need to nuke a leading "0":
	sleep $(( 1 + 30 - (${t#0} % 30) ))

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