Subject: Re: CVS commit: htdocs
To: None <,>
From: John Nemeth <>
List: www-changes
Date: 10/29/2007 22:41:03
On Feb 14, 12:23pm, Mark Weinem wrote:
} Module Name: htdocs
} Committed By: weinem
} Date: Tue Oct 30 00:16:08 UTC 2007
} Modified Files:
} htdocs: index.html
} htdocs/changes: index.html index.xml
} htdocs/gallery: events.html events.xml
} Log Message:
} News: 7th Hackathon, come2linux 2007
For those that can't count, it would be the 8th. See . Also, I don't know if
this counts since apparently it isn't being sponsored by a developer
(who's going to be doing the commits?).
}-- End of excerpt from Mark Weinem