Subject: Re: CVS commit: htdocs
To: Izumi Tsutsui <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: www-changes
Date: 01/10/2006 14:02:33
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On 2006.01.10 21:32:40 +0900, Izumi Tsutsui wrote:
| In article <>
| wrote:
| > The thing is: it's not just about style. The whole XML infrastructure
| > make _our_ life easier.
| But it also annoys some contributers' life, isn't it?
I don't understand why.
| Not all people bother to learn XML only for NetBSD, I think.
Well, some of them should.
| > Seriously, what's the difficulty in writing a XML page ? Just look at
| > how easy it was done on other Ports.
| If it's really easy, why do you hate html pages so much?
I don't hate html. What I was saying is that we should stop adding
html pages.
-- Rui Paulo
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