Subject: changed WWW docs: 'htdocs/Ports/mac68k/info info-2.html info-3.html info-4.html info-7.html info.html'
To: None <www-changes@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <ender@NetBSD.ORG>
List: www-changes
Date: 08/11/1997 19:43:03
Update of /cvsroot/htdocs/Ports/mac68k/info
In directory netbsd1:/home/ender/work/htdocs/Ports/mac68k/info
Modified Files:
info-2.html info-3.html info-4.html info-7.html info.html
Log Message:
o Added several supported/unsupported video cards
o Clarified the accelerator situation somewhat
o Added several supported/unsupported mouse models
o Documented Mkfs 1.45 fix for the off-by-1 error
o General cleanup of out of date material