Subject: changed WWW docs: 'htdocs/Library/Standards elf-notes.html'
To: None <www-changes@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <cgd@NetBSD.ORG>
List: www-changes
Date: 06/01/1997 23:40:44
Update of /cvsroot/htdocs/Library/Standards
In directory netbsd1:/var/slash-tmp/cvs-serv15448
Added Files:
Log Message:
add a page describing vendor-specific ELF notes, used in binaries'
PT_NOTE sections, which can be used for ELF binary ABI identification.
(This isn't a great place for this to go, but I couldn't think of any better,
and it's related to the ELF standard, but by its nature inherently
non-standardized and vendor-specific.)