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Re: wip/szyszka
On Wed, 31 May 2023, pin wrote:
AFK for 2 days but I've sent you the ldd output on another e-mail addressed to you only.
I've got the `readelf -Wd' output but not the `ldd' one. But, it doesn't
matter now. If adding LD_PRELOAD=/usr/pkg/lib/ fixes things, then
it clearly isn't caused by libfreetype being loaded twice.
If you want to chase that one down, you'll have to find out which libraries
are bringing in the 2 different versions of libfreetype. This is a bit
tedious to do by hand, and NetBSD's ldd doesn't support the `-a' which
would make this easy. So, I've attached an awk script which simulates a
`ldd -a'. Usage: ldd.awk /usr/pkg/bin/szyszka
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# ldda.awk: simulate `ldd -a' on OSes which don't provide
# that ldd(1) option (eg. NetBSD's)
function addpath1(s, i, found) {
found = 0
for (i = 0; i < NPATH; i++) {
if (LIBPATH[i] == s) {
found = 1
if (!found)
function addpath(dirs, a, i, n) {
n = split(dirs, a, /:/)
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
function err(emsg) {
print emsg > "/dev/stderr"
exit 1
function findlib(name, i, j, n, cmd, found, len, libs, s) {
NPATH = 0 # start afresh
if ("LD_LIBRARY_PATH" in ENVIRON) # add user override
addpath("/lib:/usr/lib") # default NetBSD lib. search path
cmd = "readelf -Wd " name
while ((cmd | getline line) > 0) {
if (line ~ /\(?(R|RUN)PATH\)? + Library (r|run)path: /) {
i = index(line, "[")
if (i == 0)
err(name ": Bad PATH line: " line)
len = length(line)
s = substr(line, i + 1, len - (i + 1))
if (line ~ /\(?NEEDED\)? + Shared library: /) {
i = index(line, "[")
if (i == 0)
err(name ": Bad NEEDED line: " line)
len = length(line)
s = substr(line, i + 1, len - (i + 1))
libs[n++] = s
if (n == 0)
return # libc, or error
print name ":"
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
found = 0
for (j = 0; j < NPATH; j++) {
s = LIBPATH[j] "/" libs[i]
cmd = sprintf("test -e '%s'", s)
if (system(cmd) == 0) {
print "\t" s
OBJS[s] || OBJS[s] = 1
found = 1
if (!found)
print "\t" libs[i] ": not found"
for (s in OBJS) {
if (OBJS[s]++ == 1)
for (i = 1; i < ARGC; i++)
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