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Re: updating xf86-video-intel driver

Thank you for the reply.

matthew green <> wrote:
    > Michael Richardson writes:
    >> Is there some script/process/README that I'm missing on how the
    >> code is imported into the xsrc tree?
    >> I see these dist/ subdirectories, but they seem to be neither a superset or
    >> subset of what's out there in land.

    > the upstream srcs are imported into

    > xsrc/external/<lic>/<package>/dist

    > with some pre-generated files stored along side the
    > dist subdir in either include or src normally.

Is this done by some script?
Is there some record of what commitid was imported before?
I want to update to latest to see if that solves some problems, but maybe
I'll have to port just the specific fix.

    > the build is over in src, though.  see:

    > src/external/mit/xorg/server/drivers/xf86-video-intel*

    > (there are two versions to choose from.)

Thank you.
Why two versions? Which is default?

    >> (I'm also perplexed by the xfree/xc references in xsrc/Makefile.
    >> That must be old. somehow works while not tripping there.
    >> I don't quite understand what's going on. Used to be cd /usr/xsrc && make,
    >> did something, but maybe those days are long over)

    > someone (tm) should remove old xsrc/xfree refs.  you can
    > trigger something similiar to the old "make" in xsrc with
    > a "nbmake-foo build" in src/external/mit/xorg as a toplevel.

thank you, that should be shorter :-)
At present, I see issues/conflicts with deprecated warnings (vs -Werrors) in
the code.

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