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Compositing and the Wiki

Hello there,

I've recently been trying to help test and debug the
wip/enlightenment-current and efl libs, and finally sorted out a few
of the glitches to the compositing options enlightenment has, and
well, our native and modular setups.

Documentation on the Wiki seems to be from the early days of our DRM
support, and I believe things are done a little bit differently, if
not somewhat automagically as far as how xorg configures things... but
the short of it is this:

Once I added the Mesa package from pkgsrc a lot of things started to
behave both when enlightenments compositing was turned on, and off...
when using native x11.  This is true of a variety of video cards and
options from old radeons and nvidia cards to various builtin intel

Does anyone have a good enough grasp on how things should be working
to try and update the x11 wiki articles, or somewhat confirm when
people may want to be using modular vs. non-modular?  I've also had
some issues with i386 vs. amd64 kernel and userlands on the same Atom
based laptops... just failing to find any suitable resolutions, and I
cannot seem to find a trick to getting things working.


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