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replace twm with cwm?

I mentioned in a previous thread the I was having a look at cwm.  So far I haven't any feedback.  It would be a significant step from what new users might expect but it has enormous potential.  I built it out of pkgsrc but that code is pretty far back from what's happening these days.  The folks over at OpenBSD have done a hell of a lot of work on it.

I'm not really up on the politics of cross-porting code from those guys but if it makes sense to run cwm, it makes sense to cross-port it.

Personally I favor it, but I'll work in any wm that makes sense to the project.  There are issues above my pay grade on this considering the implications of adopting a look and feel that was developed by another project.  It does imply increased consistency across the BSD community though.

Then again, I don't even know if the folks on this list think cwm is a good idea at all.

Like I said above, I'll hack any setup that works for the project, but this is kind of a design/philosophy choice where a little guidance might be useful.


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