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Re: Beyond twm

On Tue 17 Feb 2015 at 16:44:40 +1100, matthew green wrote:
> for a start, twm doesn't handle multiple desktops.  it doesn't handle
> some of the really-old-now "newer" extensions like Xinerama.  and
> sometimes has problems interacting with newer programs i'm told has to
> do with other unhandled protocol features (but i haven't investigated
> these personally.)

There is always ctwm (see It has ~always supported multiple
workspaces, and I have updated it a while ago to support some of the
"enhanced window manager features", as far as they make sense for ctwm.
That will be in the next release.

You can find the source via .

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert  -- The Doctor: No, 'eureka' is Greek for
\X/ rhialto/at/    -- 'this bath is too hot.'

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