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Xorg 7.5


I have an ATI Radeon HD 4780 video card (r700), which doesnt work
great on NetBSD-current and pkgsrc modular-xorg. I have seen on
FreeBSD mailing-lists that this card can be good enough with recent
Mesa versions (read: unstable ones...).

So I tried to upgrade Mesa to 7.6, and of course didnt succeed. (Mesa
compiles, but dri isnt working).

I tried too to ugrade Xorg. It's not really a succees, however all
packages compiled and were tested on NetBSD/i386 (intel video card)
and NetBSD/amd64 (ati video card). Of course others video cards
packages are not patched, since I cant test them.

So, if you want a recent but semi functionnal crappy Xorg, you could
try these patches (against pkgsrc-current).

 - no version bumping, so you must build Xorg from scratch
 - only xf86-video-{ati,intel} are "working" (dri is no longer
supported on intel)
 - fonts are installed in /usr/pkg/share/fonts/X11/*, you may have to
mkfontdir theses, and/or add them in xorg.conf
 - plenty

first patch :
second patch:

The second one upgrades drivers and xorg-server while the first one
upgrades libs, apps and fonts.

It should be possible to just apply the first patch and build
xorg-server 1.6.5, but you have to tweak it...

When (if) I have a functionnal Mesa, I will post it, so
recent-ati-owners could play video fullscreen...

Best regards,


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