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re: recommend drm card?

   On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 06:46:40AM +1000, matthew green wrote:
   > i've been having success with pre-R600 based radeon cards
   > with -current and netbsd-5 branch (but not 5.0 release.)
   > my RV515 (X1050 package, X550 says Xorg :-) system works
   > really nicely.

hmm, i remembered a couple of issues.  see below.
   My X300 with radeondrm causes panics on 5.99.15/amd64, see PR 41715.

hmm, this PR is lacking in any actual usable info 8-/

can you try to turn of ddb.onpanic and get a crash dump, or maybe
set it to '2' and get the builtin trace.  i have not tried on my
X300 card yet, it is in a stable machine...

there are some issues i'm aware of.  there are issues with
restarting, that sometimes i've led to crashes for me.  but
i've restarted dozens of times without failure..

also, for my x1550 card, it takes 20-30 seconds for the first
time drm is accessed.  there's some hang in the kernel i
suspect as it entirley locks up during this period.


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