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Re: NV dual monitor setup ...crashing.. no more.

On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 09:12:26AM -0500, Martin S. Weber wrote:
> Fine, after some fiddling and the kindly help of Marcin I now have a working
> dual head setup. The "trick" is to not try and configure the nv driver from
> within xorg.conf, but instead do it during the runtime and after 
> initialization of screens with xrandr. So while a setup like, screen 0 on
> Card 0, screen 1 on Card 1 will crash your server; a setup like, screen 0
> and screen 1 on Card 0 will bluntly ignore anything you say about VirtualSize,
> LeftOf, RightOf, OhMyGodOoof and just clone one monitor worth of pixels on
> both monitors (but not crash, hey!), the following works like a charm: Connect
> both monitors to same card (will crash if not), then during before the window
> manager starts (fvwm doesn't like the screensize to change afterwards),
> xrandr --output DVI1 --leftof DVI0 --mode 1680x1050 
> xrandr --output DVI0 --rightof DVI1 --mode 1680x1050
> will do the trick, giving me a 3360x1050 display spread over both monitors.
> I couldn't see how I'd start two displays here, which is what I initially
> wanted, but ok. Surprisingly the above commands work like they do, due to
> the manpage it shouldn't (leftof rightof is exactly the example they say
> will not work, oh well) but who cares about manpages being correct anyways.

Yes, the state of X.Org (in general, not just in our tree) is depressing
at times.

> To me what's interesting is: Both the command and the LeftOf directive in
> the xorg.conf should use the RandR1.2 interface to setup the screens. One

I'm not sure about that.  The server reads the xorg.conf, but RandR is a
client/server interface.

Maybe there are some -D still missing here and there on the server.

> (the xorg.conf way) either does have no effect (both monitors on same card)
> or crashes (one monitor per card). The other way (xrandr(1)) at least "works"
> for the 2 monitors, one card setup. Now this might be a hint of what might
> be wrong in the nv driver, only its maintainer doesn't seem to care (sent
> him a 2nd report on how I got it working etc) but that's ok. I get ignored a
> lot lately. At least the thread here (me talking to myself answering to.. uh..
> myself) now ends with a 'RESOLVED' message.

Well, it's good that you got your setup working.  FWIW, I need
workarounds in xorg.conf to make the intel chip on the ASUS EeeBox work
properly.  So yeah, it's sad.

Quentin Garnier - -
"See the look on my face from staying too long in one place
[...] every time the morning breaks I know I'm closer to falling"
KT Tunstall, Saving My Face, Drastic Fantastic, 2007.

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