Subject: Re: DRI [was: Re: more summer of code fun]
To: Tonnerre <>
From: Michael <>
List: tech-x11
Date: 06/06/2005 19:13:09
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


> > > Well, my solution to this was to attach vga on top of the drm,
> > > which isn't really hard to achieve, and seems to work. I'm going
> > > to update the patch to match the DRM CVS, but I'm not going to
> > > make it NetBSD specific as suggested here.
> >=20
> > So you're just forwarding the PCI-attachment? Or do you specifically
> > attach vga? Should work with the vast majority of graphics boards,
> > just not the ffb ;)
> I'm attaching vga on top of the specific drm, how is that hard to
> understand?

There are different ways to attach vga. Via PCI or whatever you may have
come up with yourself. Not all ports use vga, even on vga-compatible
hardware. That's why I was asking. If you'd just forward the PCI
attachment then we could just attach - say - machfb instead of vga.=20

> > > Any chance to get Michael and Martin their sunffb so they won't
> > > reinvent the wheel for it?
> >=20
> > Not with a solution like that. But I didn't read the ffb-support
> > stuff in linux drm yet, maybe it's less work than we expect - no PCI
> > or AGP stuff to deal with, no cache issues and so on.
> You can just add a driver for sunffb, there's no problem with that. It
> doesn't have to attach to PCI. The question is rather if you're going
> to find a direct rendering X11 module for it.

XFree's sunffb driver contains DRI support, Mesa does too, all that's
missing is the kernel part. I've found something that's apparently meant
to be just that in the linux-specific code on, and
that's what I'd use as a starting point to get drm support for ffb into
the kernel. I didn't really have time to look either at your code or
what I've found on though.
So, when your code is going to be integrated I'd like it to happen in a
way that allows me to use as much of it as possible - no point in
re-inventing the wheel as you said yourself.

have fun

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