Subject: Re: Re : Weird xauth problem
To: Jean-Christophe VALIERE <>
From: Matthias Buelow <>
List: tech-x11
Date: 10/29/2004 01:02:15
>    I got the exactly same problem as Thor Lancelot Simon today. Mozilla 
> Thunderbird runs fine but Mozilla Firefox failed with 'XDM 
> authorization'. I am using firefox and netbsd-current:

I have found on earlier occasions that this problem can be solved by 
erasing your firefox/mozilla config, then run "xhost +", the run firefox 
once, and then you can do "xhost -" again and the problem shouldn't pop 
up anymore in the future.

   Matthias Buelow; mkb@{mukappabeta,informatik.uni-wuerzburg}.de