Subject: Re: Two vga drivers
To: None <>
From: Anthony Mallet <>
List: tech-x11
Date: 03/09/2003 18:30:16
Quentin Garnier writes:

| Anthony Mallet a écrit :
| > But I just can't find how to launch two separate X servers. The second
| > one insists on using a VT on the first display (which has the console
| This is normal, it needs a VT to get the keyboard and the mouse, just like
| the first server.


| > attached), and nothing gets displayed on the second display (even not a
| > sync signal).
| Is there anything relevant in XFree86's log ?

Maybe this?

Display :0 (vt05)
(--) Using wscons driver in pcvt compatibility mode (version 3.32)

Display :1 (vt06)
(--) Using wscons driver in pcvt compatibility mode (version 3.32)
(WW) xf86OpenConsole: VT_ACTIVATE failed

Beside this message, everything looks fine either in XFree86.0.log or in