Subject: Re: XF4.2, glib and server spinning.
To: Mark Davies <>
From: Joseph Sarkes <>
List: tech-x11
Date: 01/31/2002 23:00:12
> Running XF4.2 on i386 on a current from early Jan things work fine except that
> any glib based program (well confirmed for gnumeric, gimp and xmms at least)
> causes the X server to effectively hang as soon as you start the application.
I have a different problem with -current and XF 4.2. I can startx just
fine but when I quit X and things go back to the initial virtual terminal
it starts a continuous beep and the shell is using about 62% cpu. The only
way I have found so far to fix this is to log out and relogin. My video
card is a 3Dfx voodoo 5500? card.
Joseph Sarkes