Subject: XFree86 4.2.0 imported
To: None <>
From: Matthias Scheler <>
List: tech-x11
Date: 01/20/2002 09:17:23
I imported the lastest XFree86 release 4.2.0 into NetBSD's X11 sources.
I've sucessfully built and tested it on a NetBSD-current i386 system.
A list of the new features can be found in "xsrc/xfree86/xc/RELNOTES".
If you find problems with building or using in on another architecture
or older NetBSD version please use "send-pr" to report these problem in
the "xsrc" category. Please try to include a fix for your problem in
your bug report because time (to work on bug fixes) and hardware (to
test on) are limited resources among members of the NetBSD project.
If you problem is not NetBSD specific (e.g. missing support for your
favourite graphics card) please visit the support page of the XFree86
project under "".
Have fun with it
Matthias Scheler