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Re: sort --version-sort

Hi Thomas,

Thomas Klausner wrote:

> It seems that in 2009, FreeBSD sort was majorly rewritten, and in 2015
> imported to OpenBSD.
> Has anyone look at adding --version-sort to our version? Or at
> switching to FreeBSD's, which has many more options supported?

FreeBSD sort was slower than our sort for a few different cases I tested
a couple of years ago.  One example I could find for a 1.9GB input file:

 13.050u 3.333s 0:16.63  98.4%  0+0k 0+68804io 0pf+0w       netbsd  sort
 68.637u 3.672s 1:16.09  95.0%  0+0k 0+15718io 47394pf+0w   freebsd sort (thread disabled)
102.557u 6.053s 0:34.09 318.5%  0+0k 0+15718io 174953pf+0w  freebsd sort (32 threads)

OpenBSD doesn't have the threading.

I'm all for pinching good ideas for options, but would be quite
reluctant to do a wholesale switch without a proper performance
evaluation first.


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