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test.1 -> "if file exists" -> "if pathname resolves to an existing directory entry"

FWIW, the current test.1 man page could, IMHO, be improved by
mimicking POSIX wording i.e. by replacing "if file exists" by the
corresponding variant of "if pahtname resolves to an existing
directory entry...".

Context: I wondered how to test that a file exists in all cases, that
is, if it is a symlink, testing that it is pointing to an existing file,
and the current description of "-e":

	-e file       True if file exists (regardless of type).

let me wondering: what "file" is supposed to exist? The symlink by
itself? or what it points to?

This explaining that.
        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ kergis +dot+ com>
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