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Re: system(3) semantics when SIGCHLD is SIG_IGN'd

On Sat 12 Aug 2023 at 11:58:36 +0000, Taylor R Campbell wrote:
> Cons:
> - POSIX doesn't ask system(3) to work when SIGCHLD is set to SIG_IGN
>   or when it has SA_NOCLDWAIT set, so this code is nonportable anyway;

I read through and it
seems entirely silent on the matter. How does this mean that system(3)
is allowed to fail in this situation? Since the state is not mentioned
as a special case, I expect that it is supposed to work.

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert                            <rhialto/at/>
\X/ There is no AI. There is just someone else's work.           --I. Rose

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