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[CODE] inetd

The new version of inetd is here:

I have rewritten the majority of the parsing code, and put everything
in parse.c, with a lot of comments---there is no more parse_v2.c since
with two different files, for the same thing, things were not parsed
exactly the same way.

I have started to rewrite the manual page since I had to create new
directives to be able to mimic (if wanted) the current behavior---the
.include directive was not behaving like a dot'ed file in sh(1), and
the default host and the default policy were reset after inclusion.

I have reworked the syntax in order to clarify a lot of corner cases---but
there are still work to do with the manual page.

But the essentials are already here.

There is one thing I have dropped and I need feedback about it:
separating statements with semicolon in new syntax.

This allows "to put several service definitions on the same line" and
even to put a legacy positional service definition after v2 ones.

It seems to me to be absolutely useless. Continuation lines allow to
clarify things by shortening the lines. The semicolon allows to lengthen
them, with absolutely no reason (if root wants to "obfuscate" its
config file he can change the reading permissions bits...).

So is it used? Have I to support this---or can I simply support it
(silently) at the end of a v2 syntax statement (for backward
compatibility), and error if something is put after?

I will focus now on debugging, trimming and ajusting the syntax
information displayed (the machinery allows to pinpoint what goes
        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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