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Re: colorls in base

On 15.02.2019 02:56, Rin Okuyama wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to propose to introduction -G (colorized output) option
> to ls(1), which is compatible to FreeBSD and macOS:
> I know that we already have misc/colorls in pkgsrc. In the era of
> statically-linked /bin, pulling terminfo stuff into /bin/ls would
> require some overhead. However, it increase only < 4KB of binary
> size for dynamically-linked /bin/ls on m68k, for example.
> Also, when SMALLPROG is defined, colorized output is completely
> disabled; no additional space is required for install media.

I'm for adding colors...

however can we go for GNU style that is more flexible? In LS_COLORS we
can add custom rules against regex of file name and this can be very useful.

We will also win more compat with existing shells and interoperability.

The FreeBSD style in my opinion generates too many env variables
implementation is partial (it doesn't honor COLORTERM). Also it's not so

I think that COLORTERM as top-level variable for all userland utilities
and *_COLOR is more natural. We could grow next PS_COLORS for ps(1) and
retain compat with GNU.

-G option could be skipped entirely in my opinion and we could rely on
env(1) only.

I don't have stronger opinion on dynamic linking, but maybe dlopen(3)
for libterminfo can be used as microptimization? Recently we were
optimizing similarly sh(1).

> Thanks,
> rin

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