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Re: libnv

On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 08:41:43AM -0700, Jason Thorpe wrote:
 > > [proplib]
 > Let me try to address these points one by one:

Now that you're back, can you explain a few more basic points about

(a) What's its mission? Is it supposed to be a data *storage* library,
that is, the data lives in proplib and you do proplib accesses to
extract the bits of it you want as you need them? Or is it supposed to
be a data *transfer* library, that is, the data lives somewhere else
and the expectation is that when you receive a proplib bundle that you
immediately unpack it into its own data structures? (Note that saving
to disk and loading back later is roughly comparable to sending and
receiving among entities -- that's not what this question is about.)

(b) What's its data model? Is it supposed to handle hierarchical
tree-structured data of the kind you might find in an ordinary
programming language's native data types? Or is it supposed to support
graph-structured data where many locations can share references to
common values or sub-objects?

(c) And also, what's its data model? What was the criterion used to
determine which atom types it supports?

David A. Holland

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