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Re: RFC: Enhancements/changes to sh doc and a possible sh extension

In article <>,
Robert Elz  <kre%munnari.OZ.AU@localhost> wrote:
>    wait [-n] [-p var] [job ...]
>            Wait for the specified jobs to complete and return the exit status
>            of the last job to exit, or 127 if none of the jobs are a current
>            child of the shell.
>            If no jobs argument is given, wait for all jobs to complete and
>            then return an exit status of zero (including when there were no
>            jobs, and so nothing exited.)
>            With the -n option, wait instead for any one of the given jobs, or
>            if none are given, any job, to complete, and return the exit
>            status of that job.  If none of the given job arguments is a
>            current child of the shell, or if no job arguments are given and
>            the shell has no unwaited for children, then the exit status will
>            be 127.
>            The -p var option allows the process (or job) identifier of the
>            job for which the exit status is returned to be obtained.  The
>            variable named (which must not be readonly) will be unset
>            initially, and then set to the identifier from the arg list (if
>            given) of the job that exited, or the process identifier of the
>            job to exit when used with -n and no job arguments.  Note that -p
>            with neither -n nor job arguments is useless, as in that case no
>            job status is returned, the variable named is simply unset.
>            If the wait is interrupted by a signal, its exit status will be
>            greater than 128.
>            Once waited upon, by specific process number or job-id, or by a
>            wait with no arguments, knowledge of the child is removed from the
>            system, and it cannot be waited upon again.

I like the proposal, let's not add any more flags though at this point until
we have a use case (-w -u etc.) They will be easy to add later.


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