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Re: in which we present an ugly hack to make sys/queue.h CIRCLEQ work

On Saturday, at 14:20, Matthew Orgass wrote:
| 2013-11-22 wrote:
| > Yes, (char *)ptr is an explicitly allowed exception.
|    In gcq.h, I used (uint8_t *) instead of (char *) with offsetof and I see 
| endian.h uses unit8_t to rearrange bytes.  It makes more sense that way 
| IMO, but it sounds like it actually violates strict aliasing while using 
| char wouldn't.  Does anyone with more in depth understanding know if this 
| is this case?

This may help, although it is still a bit obscure to me:

In practice, is there any real chance that uint8_t is not typedef'ed to a char
on NetBSD?

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