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Re: /etc/rc.d/ as a bunch of symlinks

On Tue, 8 Oct 2013, Aleksej Saushev wrote:

Right now I do this:
cp /usr/pkg/share/examples/rc.d/postfix /etc/rc.d/postfix

which replacing the provided postfix.
You implicitly assume "/" and "/usr/pkg" reside on the same
filesystem.  It isn't always true in general.
There's no such assumption. rcorder doesn't need anything besides the script 
Once the order is determined, rc has enough time to mount all necessary file 
This approach does, however, assume that any file system to which any 
/etc/rc.d/* symlink points is available (ie, mounted) at the time that 
rcorder runs!  rcorder needs to read the various files in order to 
extract the REQUIRES/PROVIDES data which is needed for sequencing.
So, even if /usr/pkg/share/examples were made a "critical" file-system,
that would not be sufficient. mountcritlocal doesn't run until after rcorder has determined the sequence in which it (and everything else) should be executed!

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