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Re: Setlist maintenance

  I think humans make bad robots. Recently I had to fix a whole bunch
  of mistakes in the set lists:

In pkgsrc we have 'make print-PLIST'.  So if there were a facility that
printed out the bugs in the setlists, and that led to a decision to add
the file to the setlist, or to stop installing it, that would be fine.

Right now doing a full release build catches a lot of things, and I
think people should be doing that before committing anything other than
localized changes.

  - shared libraries declared in the wrong sets
  - obsolete files put in the wrong file
  - entries were not sorted
  - inconsistencies in the way documentation lists are declared
  - duplicated information

But a release doesn't detect these, and a release doesn't detect
problems on other architectures, so a tool that checks this would be a
big help.

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