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Switching default TERM to wsvt25 on console

Some recent discussion about the "Del" key not being mapped by vi
correctly on netbsd-6 using ttyE* made me check again, and after some
off list  discussion I would now like to propose to switch all
wscons-using ports to set "wsvt25" on all their ttyE* lines in
/etc/ttys by default.

Most of them currently use vt220, which just leaves out a few items.
Dreamcast, ews4800mips, macppc, sparc64 already use wsvt25.

Last this came up, vt220 was considered more portable, as you could ssh
to some non NetBSD system and it would not know about wsvt25. However,
nowadays this is not true for most other systems, and for the few
legacy ones where it still is, there are easy workarounds (a few lines
in .login/.shrc).


Side note: the wsvt25 terminfo entry needs fixing for the missing kdch1
entry. Julian is handling that.

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