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Re: Remote pid with SOCK_DGRAM local socket

12 maj 2011 kl. 21.24 skrev der Mouse:

>>> [I]t seems to me this should be part of SCM_CREDS.  Surely it
>>> wouldn't be that hard to version the structure and option to do
>>> that?  Or is there some reason _I_'m missing why that would be a Bad
>>> Thing?
>> What if more than one process has an open fd to the socket?  Which
>> should it give?
> The one which did the send, of course.
> You have exactly the same issue for the information SCM_CREDS already
> carries; a quick look at the code makes me think the issue is resolved
> this way already for that data.

uid doesn't "exit" and gets replaced by something else.

in dreams of UUIDs

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