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Re: strtonum(3) from OpenBSD?

At Wed, 24 Jun 2009 20:32:35 +0200, Marc Balmer <> wrote:
Subject: Re: strtonum(3) from OpenBSD?
> Am 24.06.2009 um 20:24 schrieb Thor Lancelot Simon:
> > If it didn't set errno at all, it would be an example of really,
> > really bad API design.  Since it does (but doesn't do so usefully),
> > it's merely an example of bad API design.
> I think this is not correcz.

I think the OpenBSD strtonum(3) API is indeed a very bad design, perhaps
not extremely bad, but still basically unusable even where it's authors
intended to use it.  (and it was extremely presumptuous of the OpenBSD
folks to put it in their libc, especially in the "stdlib" category --
since it is most certainly not a standards compatible function of any
kind!  :-))

strtol(3) itself is perhaps not the best design, but it is at least a
lot better design, and I dare say it probably had a lot more input and
consideration that both OpenBSD and NetBSD developers together could
bring to bear on the subject.

There are inherent design conflicts in trying to come up with a good API
(especially in C) which returns a value and an error indication where
the value and the error indicator are both of the same basic data type
and in the exact same ranges.

I think OpenBSD's strtonum() solves the two returned values problem
backward, at least in the context of the code and APIs common in Unix
like systems, and against the design style I'm most familiar and
comfortable with.  The error indication should be the return value of
the function so that its result can be used directly in the control flow
statement which determines the next step of program execution.  The data
output of the function should be returned via a pass-by-reference
function parameter (as may other qualifications on what kind of error
occurred, if an error was indicated).

This also means of course that I'm not in complete agreement about the
design of strtol() and friends either -- they solve the return values
conflict problem by combining two possibly valid data return values with
the non-standard and irregular use of "errno" to indicate a conversion

FWIW, here's my super-picky, super portable (except for err.h et al),
version of parseint() suitable for use where hard exits on error are
desired and the output range is the full INT_MIN to INT_MAX:

#include <assert.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

 * parseint() - Using strtol() to convert a string to an "int"
 * kill the executing program on error, printing an error message
parseint(const char *str)
        char            *ep;
        long int         lval;
        /* must clear errno for this to work */
        errno = 0;

        if (str == NULL) {
                errx(1, "not a number -- null string");

        lval = strtol(str, &ep, 0);     /* octal, decimal, or hexidecimal */

         * assume the whole string is the number, i.e. caller must pre-trim all
         * trailing whitespace or any other extraneous characters.
        if (str[0] == '\0') {
                errx(1, "not a number -- empty string");
        if (ep == str) {
                assert(errno == ERANGE);/* sanity check against strtol() */
                assert(lval == 0);      /* sanity check against strtol() */
                errx(1, "not a number -- no digits found");
        if (*ep != '\0') {
                errx(1, "not a number -- trailing garbage found");

        if (lval > INT_MAX
            && errno == ERANGE
           ) {
                errno = ERANGE;
                err(1, "maximum is %d", INT_MAX);
        } else if (lval < INT_MIN
            && errno == ERANGE
                  ) {
                errno = ERANGE;
                err(1, "minimum is %d", INT_MIN);

        return (int) lval;

                                                Greg A. Woods
                                                Planix, Inc.

<>       +1 416 218-0099

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