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Re: patch_add shell mockups

Salut, Alan,

On Sun, 10 Aug 2008 16:48:05 +0200, Alan Barrett wrote:
> I assume that "the tools" refers to "patch_add", but what's that?
> This is the first time that I recall seing "patch_add" mentioned
> here.  Is there a requirements and design document that we can see
> before trying to understand the code?

I'm afraid the shell script is the "design document" because it tries
to do a small fraction of what the C tool is going to do. ;-)

The basic idea is to have binary patches for the base system, as
discussed many times in the closer past on some mailing lists. In the
shell version I simply abuse the bsdiff utility for this, and I provide
some framework to fetch and verify the patches using shell utilities.
Of course there's no locking or anything, that's going to be part of
the C tool.

I will try to add patch_delete and patch_info later today but I have to
convert the half-done C code to Shell for that first. And once that's
done I'm going to make my C code available someplace as I continue

I wanted to have this finished already but I am afraid I am still a
slow bastard.


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